Isolda left the first sector as the screams made their way like a wave into the lower districts. She hopped into the shadows of the thickets along the road, the mages may try to pick off survivors that were inevitably going to flood the road soon. Isolda moved through the shadows expecting to heat the stampeding of panicked people hitting the road out of the city, instead Isolda heard nothing. The silence was almost deafening, she didn't even hear the rustling of wildlife in the forest surrounding either side of the road.
In the distance Isolda saw the reason behind the woods lack of life. Several hundred Autumn mages had taken up formation at the bottle kneck of the road where is made a "v". Each of the Children of autumn had large techno drivers behind them being manned by their daemon. She looked at these witches dawning the yellow robes of the Magestrate military, their bright red hair was visible even in the dark. A wizard in black military robes was standing on the top of a large silver techno driver, a golden symbol glowed over his throat. " Today we strike the killing blow to this monarchy, the Magestrate takes its rightful place as the governing body over this country, we will lead it to a thousand years of prosperity! No longer will we allow one family to choose the path of an entire country!" His voice filled the entire forest, Isolda heard the man as if she was right in front of her. "We get justice for Autumnveil! We leave nothing left of this place, La'velle will be just a shadow on the map of Thre'a!" The crowd roared with "hoo haa" and "justice for Autumnveil", in perfect uniform they descended down the road prepared to kill every person they came upon until they got to the city.
Isolda realized they were all heading straight for her, she didnt want to be cursed to oblivion. She looked at her map and saw her only option was to go north away from the tide of soldiers starting to flood the forest.
They were autumn witches, all of them were shadow hopping, some were riding on the backs of leaves like magic carpets while others had assembled mounts from the dead creatures on the the forest floor.
Isolda had never seen those abilities before, she was the only Autumn witch she even knew of in the capitol. She knew she had to move and now, she pointed herself north and began hopping as fast as she could. She was careful to dodge any shadows with people in them, they probably wouldn't notice her at first glance because of how many their were shifting through the shadows. The chaos was unfolding further down the road as the autumn witches tore through the first gate, Isolda sped up as the last few signs of the army disappeared.
North, the savage lands were North, Isolda would be at the mercy of the orcs, vampires, and any other savage species that made those lands their home.
Isolda entered a small clearing, morning was making its way across the sky, in the distance Isolda could see the smoke billowing from the distance, it glowed pinks and blues at the base but blanketed the clouds in an inky black smog blotting out the sun but only over the old remnants of the capitol.
She decided to set up camp and get some sleep. She was at the edge of Thre'a and the savage lands, she was exhausted from having to shadow hop at such a speed. She pulled out her pouch and began to rummage through it. She found some sheets and some rope. She used some basic magic and made a pretty nice sized tent. She multiplied the sheets and rope and fashioned a large carnival style tent with a large hole in the center. She set up a fire and used another spel, this time a smoky symbol formed over the fire. The smoke vanished as it was forming from the fire. " ok vladdy you can come out." The daemon popped out of pendent and smiled at his master " I see we made it!" He giggled then looked around at the large tent. "Doesn't look like we found civilization yet" Isolda sighed " Nope there was an entire Autumn witch army on the road out of town, I had to go North." Isolda frowned as she spoke, she had hoped to get to a different Magestrate city like Summercrest or DawnSpire. Unfortunately they'd have to traverse the savage lands and go around the long way. Isolda pulled a small wooden chair out of her pouch and sat next to the fire, she reached in and pulled out some sausages and floated them over the fire. "Don't forget the mustard!" Vladimir said eying one of the large sausages sizzling at it began to rotate, dripping its juices into the fire causing it to crackle.
"Vladdy you're drooling, you dont even eat food!"
"Oh yea" they laughed as Isolda removed the sausages from the fire, " I wish I had some peppermint fizzy ." She said as she took a big bite of the sausage, " so izzy what's our plan exactly?" Vladimir didn't mind traveling, he was a daemon after all, he didnt eat or even really sleep, he just didn't want Isolda to die, if she died he died too.
"We are going to the citadel and we are gonna go to to school to be a proper Autumn witch, and then we are going to become the Supreme Magestrate."
Isolda said it so matter of factly Vladimir was almost ashamed he asked. " how do we plan on doing that? Im too weak to be of any use to you." He looked down ashamed, "vladdy im almost positive you are powerful, we just havn't figured out how yet." He smiled showing rows of jagged teeth, " One day we will rule the whole world and then no one will be afraid of us!" Isolda smiled " no vladdy, one day we'll rule the world because everyone will be afraid of us."
Isolda pulled a large feather mattress from her pouch and some blankets and crawled in bed. She looked out the hole in the top of her tent watching the clouds roll passed , she watched the birds fly by in groves to get away from the burning capitol. She slowly drifted off to sleep.
Isolda woke up late that night, her fire was long but cinders, something wasnt right, she couldnt see around the tent because the embers were all but diminished, she could still sense someone else was in the room. "Who's there!" Isolda jumped to her feet and summoned a ball of fire, " little girl, I am not here to hurt you, i'm just wondering why a little Autumn witch is by herself here in the savage lands." The voice was soft and feminine, even alluring, Isolda swept the room for movement but it was too dark in many areas of the tent. "Come out if you mean me no harm, why are you hiding?" Isolda raised the little fire ball into the air and made it float around the room. It came to a large shadow in the corner, " little witch, are you sure you're ready to meet an orc?" Her voice was holding back a small laugh, was Isolda ready to meet an orc? She's heard many stories about orcs, some say they had faces similar to pigs, others claimed them to be cyclops with boar tusks who ate children and raped their mothers.
"I'm not afraid of you, come out of the dark or i'll start throwing fire balls!" Isolda said sternly, she knew that she couldnt win a fight with the orc but maybe she could use some tricks and shadow hop away if she had to. " ok little witch, if thats what you wish." Isolda took a step or two back and conjured a fire in the fire pit, the a tent filled with fire light and there she was.
The orc was a meter and a half tall, it wore red robes made from some animal firs, it had gold rabbit fir trim and a hood to match, she wore a white mask that resembled a owls face. Her hands were not green as she heard in stories and she had four of them, her skin looked as though it was made of sunlight, as she looked closer she realized her skin was silver.
She was floating towards Isolda, legs crossed, she sat across from her at the fire and motioned for Isolda to sit. "How rude" she thought " this Is MY tent" but she sat down anyway. This orc lady was definitely stronger than Isolda, and so far wasn't trying to eat her. "Sit, tell me why you're in the savage lands, home of the silver orcs of the white owl clan." Isolda thought to herself for a minute, "whats your name orc lady?"
The orc-lady turned her head to right almost owl-esc, " Jani'dae, and yours?" Isolda smiled " Isolda La'velle."