More tentacle-eyes popped out of the thick black lava, all pointing in her direction as the waves slowily picked up ferocity. At first they were closer to ripples and small low tide style waves, but as the creature closed in on isoldas location it picked up speed sending larger waves of black lava towards her window. The creature easily reached mach speeds before crashing against the barrier around Isolda's house, shaking the foundation and knocking all the paintings off her walls. The creature backed up and charged again, small bits of plaster and stone fell from the ceiling onto the floor, the creature slammed against the barrier a third and fourth time, reducing the windows to empty panes and sending all the loose trinkets around the homes smashing to the floor.
The dwelling surely couldn't handle anymore abuse let alone the shield that was currently protecting her. The creature, unrelenting in its goal to make its way through the shield, the great maw arose from the depths of the lava, spewing a mix of black sludge and bright green acidic blood down onto surrounding buildings left standing. Isolda could finally see the body of the beast, hundreds of large kraken like tentacles rested beneath its large head, though it didn't have any eyes in a traditional sense, it had what looked like a head full of tentacles all holding a single large eye, all of them pointed at Isolda. She was stuck, unable to leave the house, all she could do was watch in terror as the beast assaulted her only means of protection, and watch as that protection began to crack in the place the creature kept smashing trying to break through. The creature sustained great injuries, by this point gallons of green acidic blood began to mix with the black pools of lava corroding the air to a point sulfur was the only scent in the air.
Maybe the creature would give itself a concussion and kill itself and isolda would be safe, she prayed to the orc gods and ancestors, she prayed to gods of old arcana, and finally she prayed to the autumn spirits, let the shield hold or just kill her now before she too is devoured like the Phoenix. The rumbling continued on for what seemed like an endless amount of time before a loud smashing sound resounded, Isolda knew what had just happened. She didn't dare open her eyes, the shield had been breached, it was just a matter of moments before she too would join the rest of the orcs in the afterlife.
The area grew cold and silent, not even the sounds of moving lava made its way to Isoldas ears, after a few more moments she decided to open her eyes to find herself inches away from one of the large eyes. It stared at her, blinking as she did, she didn't dare move or even breath, she just stared back. A few minutes passed where neither moved on the other, then a second tentacle eye entered through the window Isolda had once used to look through, followed by a couple more. Isolda was more frightened then before, the eyes began to fill the room, two then six then ten, by the time the window had all the tentacle-eyes it could hold pass through it isolda gad counted close to thirty eyes all staring at the little witch.
Isolda mustered up some courage to speak " are you gonna look at me or eat me you bastard!" She had grown tired of the suspense, the waiting to die was way worse than the actual dying she had decided. One of the eyes reverted into its socket, isolda squinted at the sight of the eyes ball being sucked into the tentacle and the "eyelids" reversing to form some sort of mouth " little witch, here in the Omanverse, why would i eat you when i have use of you." The words were cold, chilling Isolda's very heart, it was like listening to an orchestra play nails on a chalkboard, it made all her hair stand on end and her bladder release its contents, " you belong to the great Maw now witch, your soul will feed my ascension!" The beast cackled sending electrifying shivers down her spine, if she hadn't already wet herself she surely would have again.
" do not fear me yet child, for i may be your tormentor but i will also be the instrument of youre ascension, you will be my hand!" The eyed tentacles made room for a normal black tentacle to enter the room, it wrapped itself around Isoldas neck then lifting her into the air, she kicked as the creature hung her in the air and then yanked her outside. Many more tentacles began wrapping themselves isolda, creating a cocoon around her body leaving just her head visible and her body unable to move. Two smaller tentacles creept up her body to her neck and then into her mouth forcing their way down her throat, then one by one more tentacles followed. She felt as though she would burst as more and more of the creature entered her body, gagging and muffled screams were all she could muster as the created forced its way in. Tears rolled down her cheeks, she had never been so helpless in her life, and now this creature was going to possess her body and use her for the gods only knew what purpose.
The great maw, a creature able to swim in pheonix fire and possess people, Isolda had never heard of this monster that was now halfway down her gullet, and then it dawned on her, there were no creatures in all of Thre'a that could swim in Phoenix fire, even the phoenixes that produced it could not touch it without burstin into flames.The hottest known fire in the world, so hot it didn't produce flames it produce black lava able to melt through any known substance in Thre'a even protection enchantments. Even the magestrate hadn't found a way to stop phoenix fire, nor had the orcs. The closest phoenix nest was east of denizens bay passed Autumnveil, and phoenixes rarely ventured far from their nest let alone spew fire across random parts of the world. The head of the creature closed in on her lips, she wretched wishing she could throw the beast up but she knew that wasn't likely to happen, she braced herself as the creatures head started to suck itself into an easier to swallow shape and then began to slide down her throat. After what felt like hours all that was left was the tentacles holding isolda in the air cocooning her, everything else had forced its way down her throat.
In her head she could hear the creature laughing as she gagged and wretched, the last tentacles placed her back in the house before withdrawing into her stomach. Isolda cried as she shoved her fingers down her throat trying to puke up the creature now sitting in her gullet, " little witch that will do you no good, but if you insist on trying ill force your mouth do close to tight you bite off your own fingers!" Its terrible voice rang through Isoldas head, " you are my new vessel, there is nothing you can do to stop this child, you belong to me, your soul, your daemon, all mine!" Isolda hadn't stopped crying in one form or another this whole ordeal but as she heard this she sobbed hard, her clothes were soaked from tears and drool and vomit and piss, her throat was throbbing in pain from the creature forcing its way in, and the thought of her and Vlad now being its slaves were even more terrifying. Isolda jumped to her feet, " you may be inside my body, but I don't plan on letting you use me to do anything!" Isolda ran towards the window and jumped heading face first into the phoenix fire below.