Cold And Warmth

It was the coldest season of the year. Rising from my bed felt like hell and touching the cold floor with my bare feet was horrible. Picking my clothes from the floor, i heard the man from the bed cleared his throat.

I was just about to get out of this house without him knowing, but it seems impossible for him not to. "Why wake up so early? Don't you want to have breakfast first?"

"No thanks, i'm satisfied with your payment. I'll be leaving now." I coldly told him off.

"Now that's very harsh of you. I thought you like me." He said laughing. Then he went off his bed to pull me over. "I'd pay double if you let me do you again." He whispered.

"I'm sorry, but i'm a busy man."

He shrugged and got back to his bed, displaying a displeased face and a bare naked body infront of me. "You know that i can pay for all the things you want, as long as you become mine, you know?"

"Well, let's simply put it that i'm not that kind of man." I said while zipping up my pants.

He laughed as if i was joking. "For a prostitute to say that, you are damn hilarious."

"I'll be leaving now." I excused myself.

"Farewell, and please do come back whenever you want. You know where to find me when you need something." He reminded.

I exited and gently closed his door. I can't help but to feel disgusted with myself after being with that man, this is some of the things i do for a living. And it's kind of lucky that i get to have a wealthy man like Creighton to have his eye on me.

He was known to be an excellent man running a some kind of business at the distant west. He also has the perfect family everyone look up to; a beautiful talented wife and daughter, and a son known for being a progidy.

Jokes on all those who envied them, a man like Creighton is a disgrace for his family name for being gay. And no one knew about it, except for me of course.

As i got off the train, i brushed off the snow on my shoulders and hurried home. I opened the door while catching my own breath. Although it was such a tiring night, all the stress was gone with just a quick sight of my most beloved Olivia.

Her small face gleamed with joy as she saw me. She rushed over at my place to give me her warmest hug. "I missed you so much Hudson! Welcome home!"

I picked her up and gave her a tight hug. "I missed you too, so how were you while i was gone?" I asked while walking to the living room to sit down with her.

"It was a bit scary all by myself, but i have my dolls to accompany me so i wasn't that lonely." She cheerfully said and took her doll beside us. She began to play again like she always use to.

I just looked at her and brushed her curly brown hair with my own fingers. Olivia is the only one i have. She's the only one who continues to give me hope and faith in myself... hope and faith that i can still do it.

That i can accomplish my goals, or to be more specific, my revenge.

Maybe without her, i'd give up on shit and kill myself. I promise, as soon as i finish things, i'll be a man that would be worth it to be beside her.

"Uhm, Hudson, i know it's a little too early but... you know..." she puffed her cheeks and looked down on her doll.

I laughed at guessing her thoughts. It's probably because christmas was coming soon, and she's been bothering me to buy this toy she was always wishing for.

I messed with her hair and she got annoyed. "Hudson! You'll ruin my hair!"

"It's too early of you to ask for gifts, there's still two weeks before christmas comes."

"I know..." she sadly replied.

I still couldn't get enough of her adorable self, i pulled her closer and hugged her. "Just you wait, i promise that i'll buy it for you! Only if, you promise to be a good girl! Are you?"

"Yeah! I am a good girl!"

"Very well then, i'll go to my room. I'm still a bit sleepy." My night with the bastard Creighton was hell after all. My hips aches like shit.

She smiled and got off me. "Okay, sweet dreams!"

Ah, my sweet Olivia. I wish for that too.