The Tragic End

As we got home, Olivia was already sleeping. She was very tired after riding all of the rides that she wanted to go to. I laid her down on our bed and covered her up. I smiled at the sight of her sleeping peacefully.


I kissed her on the forehead and she suddeny opened her eyes. "Hudson, please stay." She begged.

Her small hand tightly holds my finger as if she wont let me go. "I'm not going anywhere, Olivia."


She smiled and closed her eyes. "Won't you sleep beside me?"


"I'm not sleepy yet."


"Then just lay down with me."


I did what she said, then i wrapped her up with my arms. "Hudson, can i call you my dad?" What she asked surprised me. All this time that i've been with her, i never expected her to see me as a father figure.


"No." I simply answered.


"What about big brother?"


"No way." I laughed.


She suddenly pouts. "Then what are we?" She continues to ask.


"Why do you ask that so suddenly?" I asked her.


"Well, Justin asked me why i just call you with your name. He also asked what you are to me... and it made me think too... but... if you're not my dad, then you're certainly my brother right?"


I just smiled at her. She was so full of questions.


"I do remember when i was very little that you were already there with me. When mom was still with us... so are you---"


I shoved my little notebook on her face, which contains all the things i've written about my life. "You can find the answers here, well that is if you learn how to read."


"Wha---no fair! I don't know who can teach me how to read!"


"Well, someday you will. Right now, you can keep that. That's yours now." I told her. Now she holds my most prized possession. Everything about me is written in that notebook, so i told her to keep it safe for my sake.


Then as soon as she fell asleep again, i stood up and fixed myself up. I organized all the stuff i needed. All the things that i'll be using to kill the last two people on the list.


Jeremiah and Victor.


Excitement overflowed within me. The thought of having their heads on my hand fills me with joy. Leaving the house, i still feel tired from everything that happened but that doesn't let me give up on my reason to keep on living.


To kill the two bastards who ruined my life.


Damn, i was shaking with anger, fury, and excitement. I can't wait to kill that damn Jeremiah and the psychopath Victor. While making my way to the station, a suspicious carriage stopped beside me.


I wondered why it stopped infront of me, until it opened up. It was like i was showered with cold water. This was too unexpected  for me.


"Yeah, that's him. He grew so much." The man i loathed said, he still wears the same smile he had back then.


Then i also saw the bastard Creighton beside him. "Nice to see you alive and doing well, Hudson Foldsworth... or should i call you William Jean Heignz?"


"So, you killed all of my companions who were a part of your family's abduction? Impressive." The man on the other side said, and he still have that look on me... filled with hatred and anger.

"But i'll be the one to tell you this, you will fail to kill us William." Then they both pointed a gun at me.

All of the people around us ran and scattered, afraid of the sight of this gun they are holding.

All of my hopes and dreams were ruined. I fell down on my knees, my tears fell and i was once again crying infront of these demons. They killed my whole family, and left me to live a miserable life... and now they'll be taking my whole life away.

I sobbed all that i can sob.


"What a pity." Victor was laughing.


"You look pathetic." Jeremiah was glaring.


"Still, i will always treasure you in my heart Hudson. We had some good times, too bad this is goodbye." The bastard Creighton said. Damn faggot, for him to witness my death must be funny to him.


I just closed my eyes and accepted my fate.


But before they could pull the trigger, i let out an insane laugh. More insane than Victor could do. "Did he go crazy?" Victor asked.


I just gave them the smile i can muster. "I promise, i'll come back and kill all of you... Jeremiah... and Victor---nah, i think i prefer to call you father." I joked.


Then Victor just laughed a bit. "You sure you can come back from the dead, my dear son?"


"I'm certain." Then i continued to laugh.


Jeremiah just got annoyed with me and killed me. And that was it... i was dead.

To be continued...