#5 That Touch Though!

Run Chen's POV

It was a text message from my mom. As always, she didn't forget to wish me good luck for my first day at school. Sometimes I miss her so much.


There was a noise, probably someone fell on the floor. I looked around towards the source from where the noise emerged, I found the girl beside me lying on the floor.

She was looking at me, clearly embarrassed.

"What's up?", I asked, trying to appear calm, while my insides were bursting with laughter. She looked so funny.

Sun Lin Tao's POV

"What's up?", Run Chen asked.

I didn't know what to answer.

My brain: "You stupid! Do something! Do you want to make a fool of yourself in front of your idol? Make an excuse! Pen, pen! Your pen!"

Me: Oh, pen pen..my pen..my pen fell on the ground. I was just picking it up, lol!"

Run Chen looked around and then at my desk.

"Isn't your pen over there, on the desk?"

*Everyone laughs, at the top of their voice..* (Clearly overexcited due to the presence of an idol in the class)

"Oh, yes..yes it's lying there.."

(What to do!!)

"I was not talking about my pen..I was talking about Mo Ting's pen. It just fell and so I was picking it up for him."

Mo Ting: "But my p-"

"Mo Ting, can you please help me up?" I gave a stern look to Mo Ting. He immediately shut his mouth like a 5 year-old baby.

(You see, I can also be a badass at times!)

Mo Ting was just about to stand up to help me, I was just about to give my hand to him when all of a sudden, Run Chen stood up and offered me his hand.

I was surprised (obviously). I don't know what happened to me. I didn't know how to react. I was just looking at his hand.

Run Chen: "What? Give me your hand."

Me (after coming out of my dreamland) : "Oh! I'm sorry! And, th-thankk you", I stammered. (obviously)

Meanwhile, the teacher : "Miss Sun Lin Tao, no need to react so much. Stand up quickly. The class is getting late."

"I'm sorry ma'am."

Run Chen helped me get up. "Thank you",I said.


I went back to my desk.

....Why do I always make a fool of myself in front of everyone? I really suck. Dumbo!..

"Okay, leave. Made enough fun of myself. Now let's study."

"..What is the chapter, oh Calculus today.."




Wait what! I just had a conversation with Run Chen!!!!!
