#11 Mission- Finding Run Chen

Run Chen's POV

"Gosh, who the hell does a meeting this late?! It's because of them that I am late for school today."

I was in the school corridor, running to reach my class. The whole corridor was empty, not a single student was to be seen, except me.

"I should hurry up."


'There it is!', I thought, when I saw my class.

I stopped running when I was near my class, calmed myself down, and went inside.

The teacher recognised my presence at once. She said that it was fine for me to be late due to work-related issues.

But when I was turning to move towards my place, she said-

"Don't take advantage of it though."

'Did she just make fun of me?'.., I thought.

Everyone started laughing. I gave her a smile, a fake one, and turned to move towards my place.

There, I saw, Sun Lin Tao laughing, along with others, wholeheartedly.

It was the first time I saw her laugh.

She noticed me looking at him. I  quietly went and sat on my place.

I don't know what it is. She felt very different than others. She was very weird, at times even irritating. But other times, she felt different.

She was like a mystery to me, which I wasn't able to solve.

'I must be thinking very much, I should not think about it..it's a waste of time and energy..', I thought.

I took out my school stuff and started concentrating on what the teacher had to say.

At recess

Recess has been a tragedy for me. I had to rush somewhere as soon as the break started, to avoid unnecessary attention.

The school rooftop was the place I went to. It had become my favourite place in school. I used to silently have my lunch there, enjoy the weather. It used to be a pleasent time for me.

Strangely, nobody else used to come to the rooftop. Not a single student.

'I wonder why is that so..'

So, just like the past two days, I again went to the terrace today. The weather was so good today, I felt like crying. No, really! (Lol)

I sat down and started having my lunch.

Sun Lin Tao's POV

It was recess. As always, Run Chen was missing. Nobody knew where he used to go to have his lunch. But, if students would have known where he used to go, we all know what would happen.

I didn't speak to him yet. I had to talk to him, regarding his whereabouts day before yesterday, after school.

"What are we gonna have for lunch?", Mioko asked.

"Anything is fine, I don't really feel like having something today..", I replied.

"What? Miss Sun Lin Tao, the great foodie is saying , that she doesn't feel like having anything, that's unbelievable!"

"I know right..I wonder why.."

"Hey, how could I forget to tell you this..you know I met Mrs.-..."

I wasn't really paying attention to Mioko. I was busy in thinking how to talk to him. It was a very important thing for me you know, talking to him. I was his fan, a big one.

'The only way to talk to him is by finding him, wherever he might be..'



"I know this might get us into trouble, but we have to find Run Chen, right now!"

"Oh-ok..but did you hear what I said?"

Me: "Yes, but right now leave a that, we have to find him first."

Mioko: "But why do you want to find him?"

Me: "We don't have time for this. We only get 45 mins as break, 10 mins have already passed!"

Mioko: "B-but, how are we going to find him? We have no idea where he might have gone.. moreover we don't have much time..canteen, field, library, gym, first aid room, toilet!,  who knows where he might be?"

Me: "Ok, let's do this. Let's find him separately. As soon as you find him, inform me. Ok?"

Mioko: "O-ok.."

"Let's go!"



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It might seem like the story is a bit too detailed, but that's where the fun lies, you know? You get to know every thought, every feeling of the protagonists.

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Lots of love
