Drunken Love

Six months turned into a year, a year turned into two. I stopped hoping after that. My father doing everything he can to keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths. Plus moms doctor bills are stacking. I became Derek's new parent. I would go to school, get home and tend to Derek while my dad went to his second job. All while mom just sat around drinking and complaining. I just knew she was gone. Finally, after three years of her being completely absent and obviously not herself, My father gave her a ultimatum. He gave her the choice between weekly counseling or he was taking us kids and leaving. She continued to sip her martini while he just gave up. He was tired. My father was the strongest person I know and she broke him. Doctors told him to be patient with mom but never did they say for three years. My brother turning three. I was barely thirteen and I felt bad for my father. He shouldn't have to be our mother as well. Everyday mom would wake up hung over with a new bottle of vodka in her hands within a few minutes. We would be shocked the nights she would even come home. She started leaving night after night but we didn't mind it most of the time. We got a little peace and quiet. But I could see my dad resenting her more and more everyday. I was still young and it was harder for me to understand completely, but I could see the affect she was having on my father. Yet nobody outside our house walls knew about any of it.