Everyone believes "the good girl never has any fun or drama". Yet in the pages to come we'll see how much normal can be in the life of a good girl. These are words of just another girl, the ones she wrote to preserve a story. Just another good girl in the clutches of love. Dear diary, she'd type, again and again, riding the waves of her feelings in the dark. Friends, lovers, enemies and frenemies, it was worth the write. Here's Jessica on a typical day;

They often say, "the cutest guys are dumb". I think they missed it there. Actually, "all boys are dumb" believe me you just have to find the one you'll be able to cope with.

Dear diary,

It's been really annoying what these boys do. I mean for a brief moment your homegirl almost admitted to regretting. The regret of living the safe confines of home all in the name of college. I miss being able to hide away in the warmth of my room. We both know you are the only thing keeping me sane. I miss everything about home and the boys keep annoying me...