
Chapter One hundred Five

Morgan and his crew came back to us a few minutes after Megalion had vanished into my void. They stood awkwardly together, getting ready to address me as though none of them was comfortable with what they were doing. I had never seen this bunch of soldiers being this... timid. It was a bit reassuring now that j thought of it. For a second, I thought nervousness wasn't something common in this world. "So have you finally made a decision?" I asked, keeping my voice neutral to avoid them figuring out how eager I was to know if they accepted.

"Yes, we have. We have watched... Where is the megalion?" Morgan asked, getting distracted and looking around for any sign of the beast.

"He agreed to be my familiar," I said, "and vanished after that happened. As it turns out, I can summon him... or them. I didn't know that kind of magic existed."

"The Megalion... agreed to be your..." Joshua said, making pauses as he found it hard to absorb the information.