
Chapter One Hundred Ninety One

Kevin's POV

It had been a month since Ciara left Earth… So much had happened during that time. Gary stopped crying and didn't want anything more to deal with despair and started working harder. Isaac, Jacob and Kendall made it to every single morning jog I had even though it proved to be too much for them. They worked daily and tirelessly. They were always tired at school because of the training they were going through. At times it felt like I was cheating because I was Serifian, but they didn't have to know that.

A maid I'd come to know as Julia brought us drinks when we were back. Kendall and the others, including Gary and Claire lay in the grass by the Palace fence panting from the heavy jog. My lion silhouettes lay beside them yawning. Megalion Three however was always with Sam. The man had taken a liking to the lion and always wanted to be with him. The other two were getting worried for their third counterpart but trusted Sam for who he was.