In my today's novel, I write this down on behalf of the narrator. Who am I to forgive or not to forgive those that had come in my path and done me wrong, but I have forgiven them for I am a child of God and my God is here with me. I have no anger or revenge on them, But instead learnt what life is and it was a lesson to me now I share this down to all. God bless you all... Continuation from..... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As I was there telling you about beauty to be a mother, she was not so fond of children as she had already taken care of her stepbrother and sister from a baby it was not the time for her to have her own kid she did not know what was pregnancy, believe me, she was so innocent that she believed that child will grow automatically in the stomach and doctors will cut the stomach and take the baby out, there was nobody in her life to educate her about life or a woman etc.
Dharam took her home with him still nothing changed but there was one more problem she had to pass through. Earlier I told you about beauty younger sister Luana who was studying in the school beauty studied in madras now her cousin Ann son, she had not been in touch with him since she had been married and settled in Delhi.
He wrote a letter to beauty and informed her of certain incidents that took place in Luana's life after beauty had gone away the letter stated, dear skeeter [beauty] I'm writing this letter to you with a sad heart and I want to tell you that Luana's life is over what they could not do to you they have done it to her please save her and take her away from here and I know she is better off with you [sob] your loving brother john.
Now beauty was confused and could not understand what he said in the letter. So she managed to make a trunk call to john and he told her that they had taken Luana out from school she was only 13 years, they the grandmother, the father with the help of some people they came across had taken Luana to some hotel in madras and had sold her.
This was heartbreaking how can they have the heart to do such a thing to a child, the person they had traded her to was an elderly fat old man. Come on these people are greedy and no heart but just for pleasure for a second to rape a virgin child he must have been a psycho. But how cruel and ridiculous can some parents be to do this.
Beauty could not do anything she was helpless but she loved her little sister and she knew she had to do something about it but how?. She spoke to Dharam and they decided to bring Luana to her home. So she spoke to her grandmother and father, she did not tell them that she knew what had happened in Luana's life but told them that she wanted her little sister to come and be with her till she gives birth.
At first obvious, the greedy parents refused but later decided to send her. But how was she to come so far so they decided to send her alone? Beauty had bought Luana's ticket to come and she gave her instructions on how to travel and that she'll be there waiting for her at the railway station. On the 3rd day, beauty left home early morning to reach the railway station she wanted to get there earlier so that she does not miss her sister.
But on arriving on the platform she came to know that the train from madras had arrived early, so she searched the whole platform each and every compartment but could not find her sister she came out fully tensed and worried she was in tears wondering what happened to her sister she even was wondering maybe her parents would have missed the train or might not have sent her. Beauty disappointingly went back home.
To her surprise, her little sister had managed to meet a family travelling along with her and they were coming that way so they had helped her there. Anyway, as long as her sister was safe and sound beauty thanked them and they left. Both sisters were happy to see each other after so many years they talk about everything and Luana told her what had happened back home beauty promised her that she was never going to send her back home.
Beauty had a company of her own a few days later to their surprise one morning they were shocked and surprised to see their father Leonard, Ann and their grandmother by the door. Beauty felt happy seeing them but then she wondered what brought them here without even telling them. She was living in a very small room as I earlier mentioned with Dharam but still, she allowed them to stay and adjust.
Now they approached beauty and told her since Luana was here why not she teaches her some dancing skills. Luana also pressed her to teach her now Luana had no idea about the dancing line beauty could not tell her also. Now beauty with a big stomach used to teach her little sister at home some basic dancing steps and then classical and Nagin… Slowly Ann took a house in Nizamuddin in Delhi and she shifted out from beauty place along with her brother mother and Luana.
They would come and go often soon Ann had managed to compelled Luana to dance in the clubs and she started dancing. Nobody knew the exact date of beauty confinement neither did she ever visit a doctor after the last incident Dharam was a Hindu and beauty a Christian she would go to temples and pray and church to every evening she would take a bath and stand in front of the gods in her room and pray she had statues of goddess Laxmi and Durga and without fail she would do her evening pooja.
One night her grandmother and father were in the house that day she did what she had to do and she slept on the folding cot, it was about 2 o'clock on a Friday she had a very rare dream that in front of her a lady walked from the goddess and came up to her and turned her back and walked a few steps ahead and suddenly the lady's hair was long she looked beautiful, beautiful eyes and stared at beauty.
Suddenly beauty woke up with pain in her stomach she felt cramps and as she sat down on her bed something strange took place beauty saw the lady change into a cat but in her dream when she awoke all she saw was only the cat she startled up and gave out a cry to her grandmother immediately everybody woke up and she told them only about her pain now Dharam dressed himself and called for a vehicle they had to take beauty to hospital as they thought it was about time for her baby to come. Her grandmother and Dharam rushed her to a government hospital it was 3 am on going inside beauty watched how dirty and unhygienic the hospital was especially in the maternity ward now this is all new before she had never seen anybody in her family being pregnant or giving birth.
She saw how some pregnant ladies were in the hospital corridor crying and screaming with labour on the floor there were no beds so she straightened her self and started walk straight back to the entrance she was stopped by the staff but she told them that she was not a patient and she had come to drop heat sister inside they let her go she did not show and kind of pain she was going through.
As she walked outside her grandmother and Dharam were standing and seeing her walking out they questioned her why she was not on her bed and why did she come out in this condition she told them that she was not given a bed instead they added her to sit outside until it was time for birth on hearing this Dharam gave beauty a hard punch on her nose hardly she could barely bare the cramps now he had broken her nose she was bleeding badly, Dharam saw this he panicked and asked her where she wanted to go she told them any other hospital but not this one.
So they called an auto guy and told him to go to the nearest hospital. The guy drove them to Patel Nagar Kapoor hospital their beauty was immediately admitted and was taken care she suffered exactly for three days with labour Friday, Saturday everyone was worried why has she still not given birth she was too weak for a 16-year-old girl what strength will she have no proper food from small no fruits or nourishments she did not have the stamina or strength to push.
The doctors kept coming and examining her now and then they would put a plus sign on her belly and go after 3 days of struggle finally the doctors prepared her and took her into the theatre they helped her push and finally on Sunday at 11:15 her baby girl was born. They clean her and took her baby girl to the NICU the child was weak skinny and very small they had to keep the baby in the incubator.
________________________________________________________________________________________ TO BE CONTINUED.... In The Next Chapter [10] Beauty's Motherhood...