
Yes, indeed beauty managed to walk through the farm's miles until she came to a town she could get a ride back home. But could she go back to the hotel after promising the management that she would be checking out the previous day?, no instead the idea of coming back to Delhi for this job was the biggest faults and trust she had. She did not turn back to the hotel, she had no money to pay them all she had to do was leave her luggage being.

The clothes she had beautiful clothes, her shoes, she loved buying shoes and clothes she was a very good dresser she had very good taste in dressing. They were not branded or expensive but to her body structure anything she would wear, it suited her. Her mother used to say that when she was a child whatever dress they would make beauty wear her eyes colour changed.

She was not only beautiful from outside but inside too. Beauty no matter what she went through in life she was strong and never gave up. She didn't even sit and look back or complained or even tell anybody until this day she shares all this in this novel. Coming back to our story, she lost her grandfather passport along with the luggage.

She was sitting blank wounded she rang one of her old friends she remembered, she told her she had an aunt at Safdarjung to go straight to her house so beauty went there her friend had informed her aunt about beauty.

When she reached the house the lady invited her inside she did not know much but she gave shelter to beauty she had two elder son's they both were divorces as their wives had left them both the sons had each 1 son, the old lady was taking care of them. Beauty helped the old lady in everything in the house she became so fond of the two little boys she gave them more than a mother's love.

The two boys also accepted her they loved her so much that they became her world now. The eldest son of the old lady was an alcoholic, he lived in the outhouse while the youngest son had his room upstairs of the old lady house. Beauty became a family member to them she would wake up early clean the house dress the two boys for school drop them at school pack their food get them back from school this routine as a mother continued for months, beauty also was worried about her two girls back in madras at her mother's protection.

The family loved her and respected her so much the old lady wanted to get her married to her eldest son, and when they spoke to her about this it's then she told the old lady about her two girls in madras and she was missing her own children at first they suspected beauty they thought she was a terrorist from the south, why on earth would the people in the north think that?.

At first, they could not believe it because she was very fair they thought all madrassas were dark in colour, anyway's beauty told the old lady it was time for her to get back to her children, they could not accept the fact that she was going. So beauty asked them if she could make a local call to her sister in Delhi, that's when after a long time she contacted her sister. She did not say anything that happened but only asked her to sister to reach out to her where she lived.

The next day her brother in law and sister visited her at the old lady house they sat and talked the family came to know everything about beauty after dinner beauty left the old lady's place along with her sister to her house.

Now her sister after marriage she not been to her family house she didn't meet her mother or granny so she told beauty that she wanted to come along with her to madras. They bought there tickets her sister, her, brother in law and her two nieces left for madras.

They reached madras but did not go direct they stayed at the YMCA rooms and the following day they went to see there mother. On arriving home her mother was happy to see her daughter Luana and her family, but then turned towards beauty and gave her a tight slap on her face in front of everybody.

Beauty stood stunned it was unexpected she did not react instead her sister stopped her mother from beating her. They had not enquired what happened after she left madras but her mother was furious with her for taking her father's passport. She did not give beauty a chance to explain anything.

After a while beauty asked her mother about her two girls' but got a very disappointing answer. She told them after beauty went to Delhi, Tim had come in search for the girls he came and gave everybody lots of money he was loaded with cash and he managed to convince beauty mother that he will take care of them.

Beauty was shattered she sat crying she missed her girls and wanted them back they were everything to her in life how was she going to get them back she had no hopes of ever seeing them, after a week her sister and family left back to Delhi. Beauty used to live at her granny house then she moved in with her mother.

During the day she would stroll off to one of her mother's family friends house and would get back only after 6 pm. One day her aunt asked her what was she going to do about her kids she had no idea she had no job or money in the first place and due to that her mother would taunt her daily, that's why she went to that aunt's house.

That lady knew a person who would help beauty and also help her with a job. They decided to meet him, they two went to his office in madras he was a very well known person with good influence everywhere, he heard beauty story and offered her a job in his office. He was a very kind middle-aged person he was kind helpful to everybody, they called him robin hood.

Days passed beauty would come to work in the morning and go back by evening, one day he told his office staff to book a ticket to Delhi for beauty when beauty told him that she was afraid to go there alone he called for beauty's mother and spoke to her. Her mother agreed to go along with beauty since she was responsible for sending away the kids so beauty told her that she had to come along.

Her boss whom she called uncle bought the kids a lot of clothes, sweets, toys and packed it and gave it to beauty. Along with two flight tickets. Beauty and her mother flew down to Delhi where Tim lived but they did not go directly there, they stayed at Luanda house, the next day Luanda her mother and beauty went to Tim's house. His mother did not expect them but Tim's elder brother welcomed them in.

When they asked about Tim they told him that its been months since they had seen him instead he had come from madras with both the two children left them here and disappeared.

They also told beauty that after that day Tim's family had been tortured by Tim's depts, they even threatened the family if Tim did not give them their money back that they would take away the two little girls and thus the family is afraid to keep the children. They were happy that beauty has come to take them, so they packed both the girls luggage and sent them along with beauty and her mother.

Beauty was very happy that day she got her kids back and could not wait to thank her boss, actually, he also used his influence in Delhi at Tim's house they were not willing to send the kids because of Tim creditors, because of uncle everything went silent there. Now they stayed for a week at Luanda house and left-back, beauty didn't worry now because she got a job and her boss the uncle was also looking out for a place for beauty.

Beauty and her mother got back home beauty stayed for the timing there. Her boss respected her a lot he knew what she had gone through in life he wanted to help her and the kids he knew she did not have anyone and since then her boss became her guardian. There was nobody who dared to take advantage of her again, but all this comes in the later part of her life... ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` TO BE CONTINUED.... Lets See What Happens In The Next Chapter, Something Interesting?...