
We don't know how to fight it, we don't know when it will come.

Can't run, can't hide, can't pretend it's not the end.

Because it is, and something has always been there and tries to destroy the world.

In the beginning, they thought it was just an infection, misinterpreted as a series of riots. Riots spiralling out of control, even when they tried to cover it up, it didn't take long before it got completely out of control.

When we were attacked, the infected caught us completely by surprise. The chaos and terror echoed through the school halls. Everything happened so fast.

We couldn't have prepared ourselves for this.

I found myself living with a group of survivors as soon as the evacuation transport was attacked. Pushing us further into the depths of a never-ending nightmare.

I guess in some way, we are the generation that gets to witness the end of mankind. Perhaps, in some way. That's almost as special as having to be there in the beginning. 

We're not ready.