
(Y/N) P.O.V

For two years I held a feeling for, Claire Kingsley the Madonna of our class, for so long I couldn't contain my feeling for her so before I knew it I sent out a love letter.

The next day I was rejected by, Claire's friend Lilith Crossfade.

Lilith: "Hey, (Y/N) ... Claire says these things trouble her and she also said that you're not even her type." She said in a serious tone as if she's looking down at me.

Well, I tried and I knew this will happen in the beginning she was the class Madonna after all, and I'm just a normal guy... No in the first place I wasn't thinking she would pay attention to me but even then...

(Y/N): "Claire..." I muttered as I gaze at her outside of our classroom.

Lilith: "Hey, (Y/N)! Don't look at my friend with those teary eyes of yours!" Lilith suddenly appeared behind my back.

Lilith: "Say, (Y/N) why won't you give up on her since she already rejected you. Rather I gave the rejection... Jeez, you're so effeminate how lame!"

Even though she insulting me I didn't talk back because she was right.

Lilith: "How long are you going to sulked here? You look like an idiot."

(Y/N): "I know that, Lilith!" I said as I stand up on my chair.

(Y/N): "And don't worry I won't bother Claire anymore." I added before I take my leave.

Sigh... I was planning to go to the arcade to cool off but I lost interest instead I go to the park and decided to stay there for a while until someone called me.

Lilith: "Hey, (Y/N)! Wait up!" I turned around to see Lilith... wait did she followed me here?

Lilith: "Let's talk for a few minutes." Lilith invited me for a talk really? you still not done with your insult? we'll let just accept her invitation.

We sat on a nearby bench and Lilith starts talking.

Lilith: "Well to begin with sending a love letter in the first place is too girly. If you really want to confess you should be bolder on your action like hugging her from behind and confess your feeling to her."

(Y/N): "Huh?! Are you some kind of idiot?! if I do that I might be labeled as a pervert or even worse." I retort to her.

(Y/N): "And I put a lot of effort writing that letter." I said as I look on the ground.

Lilith: "And yet she didn't even read that letter, to put it simply you're completely out of consideration." Then Lilith looks at me for while pondering something.

Lilith: "Come to think about it if you think that way you'll move in quickly, right?"

(Y/N): "You're right about that... But even so what so bad about me...?"I said in disdain and Lilith looked at me giving me a really look.

Lilith P.O.V

Lilith: "You want me to tell you what's bad about you? First everything!" I said without hesitation.

Lilith: "1) Your hairstyle is too messy not to mention your clothes as well and you don't have any fashion at all.

2) You also look like a gloomy person you don't have any confidence in yourself.

3) You always late and make an excuse you look like a wimp doing that not mentioned again you always sleeping during our class period.

4) When you were talking to your friends you always discussing girls and their size don't do that in public all of the girls think you guys a creep and perverts.

5) And above all when you were talking to other girls you look like a suspicious person." After I said all of the bad sides of (Y/N) I look at him and he was shaking.

Lilith; "Err... What was I talking about is err... Yes, that's it's completely natural that you get rejected so you don't have to worry about it." I said to him but (Y/N) just keep looking at the ground.

After a couple of seconds passes nothing happens until...

(Y/N): "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! WHY DO YOU TO GO THAT FAR?!?!?!?!" He shouted at me.

Lilith: "What... You said what's bad about you and I answered them honestly. Even though I was trying to cheer you up." I said trying to calm him down.

(Y/N): "It's just.... that.... that..." He sobbed

(Y/N): "That she won't read my letter but even then... she didn't have to ask you to reject me..." (Y/N) said as he was about to cry again.

Lilith: "Crying again so annoying." I muttered.

Lilith: "Well if you were frustrated about it then do something about it!" Then (Y/N) look at me dumbfounded.

Lilith: "What I'm saying is make her regret for rejecting you, you should make Claire go "I should've accepted that letter back then." I encourage him.

(Y/N): "But how should I do that?" (Y/N) asked me.

Lilith: "How should I'm supposed to know that?" I replied back at him.

Lilith: "I don't know... How about impressing her this upcoming Cultural Festival this October, you have four months to prepare."? I suggested to him which he ponders for a while.

(Y/N): "Like I said how? And I didn't join any club to participate."

Lilith: "Not my problem why would I go far for you? You idiot!" I shout at him.

(Y/N): "But-" I cut him.

Lilith: "Instead of whining you should think about... *sigh*... it's true that Claire is insincere about you... but I'd think it wouldn't be worth it to properly reject someone with no guts like you. How Lame!" After I said those words to him I immediately stand up and leave the park.

Third P.O.V

After Lilith said those words to (Y/N) he felt an ignite inside of him with this new-found courage, (Y/N) decides to change to a new person and makes Claire regret it. On the next day (Y/N) decide to leave school for two 3 months it was hard to do that, (Y/N) convinced his family to go to their Uncle cabin next to the school, (Y/N) talk to her teacher that he will be gone for three months because of the family affair which her teacher buy it without question.

After that (Y/N) start to change his body first, yes he starts working out for the first time in his life of course with the help of his Uncle which is in the Army and have a high position in the force, first his Uncle is surprised why his nephew is here because currently he is on vacation, (Y/N) tell him why he's here.

When his Uncle hear the story he gladly accepts (Y/N) and trained him his Uncle start thinking that (Y/N) finally grow some balls unlike his son who he is a total wimp like (Y/N) but now (Y/N) change, the first day of training it was really hard for (Y/N) he starts running around the forest to increase his stamina next (Y/N) Uncle make him do a push-up, sit-up and so on and it was utter hell for him but the result will be worth it also his Uncle train him on hand to hand combat to protect himself even though the training was hellish he never neglects his studies and also he learned a lot from his Uncle like to play some instrument how to flirt with girls.

Three months passed now (Y/N) is a different person in three months (Y/N) body change so much and pretty noticeable to others his arms now showed some muscles and his fat loosen up and visible muscles on his abdomen, his face still the same but his hairstyle change too much better one also he grew his former Hight we're 5'7 now his 6 feet tall but still fit perfectly to him.

In short (Y/N) appearance has changed so much that makes him very pleasant to other girls, well of course (Y/N) didn't care that the only thing he wants is to take revenge on a certain person.

(Y/N) Uncle: "Well, (Y/N) keep up with your training so that you can stay in shape and your studies as well."

And now that (Y/N) is ready he gives his thanks to his Uncle and goes home on the way to his home he can't help to be skeptical will he be successful in his revenge or not? When he reaches his house (Y/N) parents is surprised to see him even his big sister and little sister is surprised they all on their mind is "How did he change so much in three months?"

(Y/N): "It's been three months since that day I wonder what happen while I was gone." (Y/N) said as he wears his school uniform which is a little bit tight to him."

And going back to school is really excite him he wonders what will be their reaction to him, now (Y/N) left their house and walked towards the school as if it were any normal day as he walked some girls looking at him wondering if he is a transfer student and he is a perfect boyfriend material they although.

(Y/N) walked he still have twenty minutes before the class start on the way on his classroom he saw someone and that person is Miss Cassy her homeroom teacher he speeds up and greet her teacher first she was confused until he introduced himself to her.

(Y/N): "It's me Miss Cassy (Y/N) (L/N)." (Y/N) introduced to her which surprise Cassy at first.

Miss Cassy: "You surprise me Mr. (L/N)!" Cassy said in bewilderment.

Cassy: "So how's the family affair?" Cassy asked.

(Y/N): "Well it was good." He lies.

Miss Cassy: "Mr. (L/N) after school go to the faculty you need to catch up on all the lessons you miss, okay?"

(Y/N): "Understand Miss Cassy." (Y/N) smiled at Cassy

Cassy was shocked after she heard those words after all the (Y/N) she knows will immediately make excuse to not to study and he used to be shy and have no confidence but today he is an entirely different person, he matured she thought and above all, he became attractive too.

Cassy was happy for (Y/N) for once his student change well after all she loved all of her students she even tries counseling them who is a loner on her class and for those who haven't self-steamed to their selves but she was rejected but even that she still not giving up on them, when they reach the classroom Cassy have a sudden idea.

Miss Cassy: "Mr. (Y/N) wait here for a while and wait for my cue." Cassy said to (Y/N) who have a questionable look but shrug it off and humored her teacher.

Cassy entered the classroom and announced something.

Cassy: "Ok today class we have a new student coming here today be nice to him, okay?" Casey announces to her student in a cheerful tone of her voice

Boy 1: "We have another one again?"

Girl 1: "Miss Cassy it is the hot guy this morning?" The girl asked in enthusiasm. And of course, all of the boys groaned in frustration.

Cassy: "Fufufu… I'm just kidding we don't have any new students coming here today." Cassy said keeping her cheerful expression and some girls groan in annoyance and the guys were relieved at that statement.

Cassy: "Fufufu don't be disappointed now girls you can come in now."

A cue, a person entered the classroom all the class was confused because Miss Cassy said that they don't have any new students yet the person who entered their classroom was the guy they saw this morning.

(Y/N): "Really Miss Cassy?"

Girl 2: "Miss Cassy you said we don't have any new student but that's the guy we saw this morning." One of the girls asked Cassy. (Y/N) already this will happen so he decides to mess with them a little.

(Y/N): "What are you talking about I'm not a new student." (Y/N) said in confusion and smiled at them which some of the girls blush at this sight even Claire and for Lilith, she remained calm, because she already knows this person is and she's impressed to him.

Girl 3: "Then who are you?" One of the girls asked.

(Y/N): "Uhh… I don't know what you people thinking about it's me (Y/N) (L/N)." (Y/N) said with a smile.

All the student expects for Lilith: "Ehhhhhhhh?!" The surprise of (Y/N) new appearance shocked them especially Claire for she rejected, him now he is handsome now.

Now Claire regrets her decision, well in the first place (Y/N) won't change if she didn't reject (Y/N). The day quickly passed on them, (Y/N) now is a different person he also participates in the class and during a pop quiz, he perfects them and during the break, some girls invited him which he declined and some of his friend distance themselves to him.


Now that the class ended I need to go to Miss Cassy to get the lesson that I miss when I reach the faculty Miss Cassy led me to another room and boy a lot of them damn… then I start working on all of it and to my surprise, it was easy to understand all of them, even Miss Cassy is a surprise because it took me only three hours to finish it. Then suddenly I noticed a silhouette watching us then Miss Cassy speak.

Miss Cassy "Wow (Y/N)! You are an entirely different person now, what's the sudden change?" She asked.

(Y/N): "Well let's just say a certain person gives me courage, that's all." I smiled at Miss Cassy.

(Y/N): "Miss Cassy this might out of blue ummm… do you know any club that recruiting?" I asked Miss Cassy, think for a while then she answered.

Miss Cassy: "Yes! I know one and I'm the advisor of it. If you want to join come to the clubroom during the break." She said to me.

(Y/N): "Okay Miss Cassy I drop by tomorrow."

Third P.O.V

The next day (Time skip during a break)

(Y/N) is in the clubroom and it's a music clubroom and it has three-member and all of them were girls.

(Y/N): "I feel the vibe that no boys allowed here." (Y/N) thought.

Miss Cassy: "Now then time to introduction." Miss Cassy said as she dispelling the weird atmosphere.

May: "H-hello I'm M-may Eclair an f-first-year student from class 1-A" May introduce shyly.

Sarah: "Hello good morning! I'm Sarah Light a second year from class 2-B!" Sarah introduced herself one noticeable that Sarah is a tomboy.

Sasha: "Hello I'm Sasha Oliver also a second-year from Class 2-A and I'm the leader of the club if you wondering were classmate I transferred here two months ago." She introduced herself in an elegant manner well every boy surely entrance after that but (Y/N) remained normal for he has one goal.

(Y/N): "Then it's my turn I'm (Y/N) (L/N) a second year from Class 2-A, I was looking for a club and Miss Cassy recommend me this club."

Sasha: "Indeed we're looking for the last member, but can you play and sing?" Sasha asked, (Y/N) who only smiled and answered her with confidence.

(Y/N): "Yes I can play and sing."

Sasha: "Well have to test you if you are qualified." Sasha said as she goes to the corner of the room and grabs an electric guitar then she walked to (Y/N) and gave it to him.

(Y/N) took the guitar to Sasha and go the front of them and prepared himself, for a couple of seconds, (Y/N) notice a person again and disappeared but unbeknownst, too (Y/N) Miss Cassy and Sasha also notice the person. A few seconds passed (Y/N) is ready to perform well he is glad because during his staying his Uncle teach him how to sing and play an instrument.

Don't cry, snowman, not in front of me

Who'll catch your tears if you can't catch me, darling

If you can't catch me, darling

Don't cry, snowman, don't leave me this way

A puddle of water can't hold me close, baby

Can't hold me close, baby

I want you to know that I'm never leaving

'Cause I'm Mrs. Snow, 'til death we'll be freezing

Yeah, you are my home, my home for all seasons

So come on, let's go

Let's go below zero and hide from the sun

I love you forever where we'll have some fun

Yes, let's hit the North Pole and live happily

Please don't cry any tears now, it's Christmas, baby

My snowman and me

My snowman and me


Don't cry, snowman, don't you fear the sun

Who'll carry me without legs to run, honey

Without legs to run, honey

Don't cry, snowman, don't you shed a tear

Who'll hear my secrets if you don't have ears, baby

If you don't have ears, baby

I want you to know that I'm never leaving

'Cause I'm Mrs. Snow, 'til death we'll be freezing

Yeah, you are my home, my home for all seasons

So come on, let's go

Let's go below zero and hide from the sun

I love you forever where we'll have some fun

Yes, let's hit the North Pole and live happily

Please don't cry any tears now, it's Christmas, baby

My snowman and me

My snowman and me


(Songwriters: Kurstin Greg / Furler Sia Kate I

Snowman lyrics © Emi April Music Inc., Kurstin Music, Pineapple Lasagne)

After (Y/N) performance they were speechless about how good he is and of course, they can't help to fall for him, well except for Miss Cassy.

Miss Cassy/Sasha/Sarah/May: "That was amazing, (Y/N) you really rock it!" They said in unison.

Sasha: "Well you passed, we'll be performing at the Cultural Festival, since we have 2 months to practice, we will perform a song that we create."

(Author Note: We all know that I just gonna get it to the internet lol)

(Y/N): "Okay that sounds good."

And so (Y/N) is a permanent member of I-albhamu Emhlophe, a couple of days passed (Y/N) was already close to the other members of the club member they will always eat together during lunch break and, (Y/N) always receive a love letter but sadly they were all rejected and his reasoning is "I already have someone that I liked." And just liked that they were rejected and his old friend start distancing to him and it saddened, (Y/N) but he never shows it to others.

May, Sarah, and Sasha hold feeling for, (Y/N) but they were afraid to be rejected by the man they loved. During club hours they will practice diligently or hang-out with them. May, Sarah, and Sasha were enjoying their time with, (Y/N) as long as they can before he confesses to the person he like which they pray to God that the girl will not accept him. If that happened they will come and comfort him which bring closer to them even further the chance was slim but they still hoped it.

(Time Skip Cultural Festival)

Now the Cultural Festival now starting the school is full of decoration and booths and a lot of people are coming in and having fun, thus the I-albhamu Emhlophe performance now nearing and all of them are feeling nervous and excited at the same time because a lot of students and visitors are coming to watch their them.


Now we are on the stage and boy a lot of people are coming, I even saw my family, my old friends, and Claire, especially Lilith.

Sasha: "Hello everyone! We're the I-albhamu Emhlophe this is our first consort hope you enjoy it."

Song inserts

I believed - I owned the world

I believed – I created everything

But the real-world worries me

The ruthless lies, and the lost courage

Hard to tell dark and light – until he – rips the pitch darkness

He is a light, with hope, lighting up the withered sky

Cupid's Cupid's chocolates - where the story originates

Leading you into a new orbit. How beautiful it is!

Cupid's Cupid's chocolates. Try your own magic tricks

Making different worlds connect together. Cupid and I love you forever

I believed - I owned the world

I believed - I created everything

But the real-world worries me

The ruthless lies, and the lost courage

Hard to tell dark and light – until he – rips the pitch darkness

He is a light, with hope, lighting up the withered sky

Cupid's Cupid's chocolates - where the story originates

Leading you into a new orbit. How beautiful it is!

Cupid's Cupid's chocolates. Try your own magic tricks

Making different worlds connect together. Cupid and I love you forever

Cupid's Cupid's chocolates - where the story originates

Leading you into a new orbit. How beautiful it is!

Cupid's Cupid's chocolates. Try your own magic tricks

Making different worlds connect together. Cupid and I love you forever.

(Theme music composer Sang Qian Dmyoung)

Crowd 1: "That was awesome!"

Crowd2: "Hell yeah you guys nailed it!"

Crowd3: "You guys were awesome!"

Sasha: "Thank you, everyone! Now we have another special event our sole male member will perform another song for us!" Sasha suddenly announces and the crowd cheered again…

(Y/N): "Thought" "What the heck?!?!??! I didn't know this! What the actual hell Sasha!"

I look at Sasha only giving me a smile and mouthed me go for it… good grief… I really don't understand girls and their antics. Well since this is the Cultural Festival I just have to roll with it.

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

A broken heart is all that's left

I'm still fixing all the cracks

Lost a couple of pieces when

I carried it, carried it, carried it home

I'm afraid of all I am

My mind feels like a foreign land

Silence ringing inside my head

Please, carry me, carry me, carry me home

I've spent all of the love I saved

We were always a losing game

A small-town boy in a big arcade

I got addicted to a losing game

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

All I know, all I know

Loving you is a losing game

How many pennies in the slot?

Giving us up didn't take a lot

I saw the end 'fore it begun

Still, I carried, I carried, I carried on

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

All I know, all I know

Loving you is a losing game

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

All I know, all I know

Loving you is a losing game

I don't need your games, game over

Get me off this rollercoaster

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

All I know, all I know

Loving you is a losing game

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

All I know, all I know

Loving you is a losing game

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

("Arcade" by Duncan Laurence)

After I finish my performance the crowd cheered the giving me all kinds of praise which feels good so this the feeling when people acknowledge you. But I must not forget the most important thing, people will be praised you because your good and it also attract another element and that is jealousy towards you, how I know because I am the same as them before. Well enough of that I'm just gonna enjoy this, after all, I think it's time to have my revenge, for two months my popularity increases it only a matter of time before she makes her move.

(Y/N): "Thought" "I'll just take it slowly and let have some fun for now." While I was on my thought somebody calls me from behind.

Lilith: "Hello, (Y/N) it's been a while." She greeted me.

Lilith: "Here this from, Claire." She showed me a letter my eyes widen after seeing it because it too soon, I thought it will happen after the Cultural Festival.

Lilith: "It's more like a fan letter rather than a love letter, either way, it's good for you."

(Y/N): "Thought" "What the hell I can't believe this first she rejected me now she asks me…"

Lilith: "Do you feel better now? You've completed your goal to avenge yourself."

Lilith: "Now what are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna reject her since she rejected you. And there's a lot of girls who always confessing to you right Mr. Cold Prince… ooh did you know all the girls start calling you that since all the girls who confess to you were rejected. And also, the rumors that you dating all of the members of I-albhamu Emhlophe and especially the girl you like is still a hot topic among the girls." She nudges me.

(Y/N): "Mr. Cold Prince, huh "sigh" that's not…"

Lilith: "What are you talking about, (Y/N) didn't you change yourself just for this day?" She cut me off.

Lilith: "Well it's your call whether you accept it or rejected it, you should at least think about it before you reply to it. And like I said before, (Y/N) be aggressive when you about to confess to someone." Lilith says to me as she turned her back to me.

Well, she was right I worked so hard for this day… yes that's it… AS she starts walking away I hug her from behind.

Lilith: "W-what are you doing, (Y/N)!? You got the wrong person…" She startles first but regains her composure and she was blushing a little a bit.

(Y/N); "No I don't! The only person that I wanted to have revenge is you and you alone! And also, these past months I notice you always watching me!"

Lilith: "(Y/N) … let go of me!" She said, yet I don't feel any anger from her.

(Y/N): "No! I won't let you go! Until you admitted that I'm cool!" I said to her ignoring her plead.

Lilith: "Stop messing, (Y/N)! and just let go of me already… if you don't I won't be able to turn and kiss you." Here and there she turned around and looked up at me and smile too bright and lean forward to kiss me.

Lilith: "Ahhh… ahhh… I think I just lost a friend… and by the looks of it you still have a lot of learning, (Y/N) you shouldn't let a girl kiss you first! How lame you are!"

And yet again I lost… I failed but I was able to find what I was looking for.