
Chapter IV

A month has passed since that fateful handshake, the result of which is a small rebellious group known as Hanko: Children of the Revolution. With a low total of four members, no respect is felt from anyone or anything currently. Hannah, Akuma, Yuda, and Sao; the founders of this blip of hope, surrounded by the ever-present darkness that is growing at an expanding rate. Dark matter fills this world, slowly ripping it apart; Hanko was founded to stop that tear and bring the world back together, gravity for those with the least influence. While many ignored this tear, Hanko would not, yet to this point, they have achieved nothing worth remarking; a couple shopping runs for the farmers, bodyguards for hire in Plutus, and a cat chase.

Akuma stands by the door, hand gripping the handle, shaking, 'Sao, ready to head out?'

'Yeah, let's go. Hannah, Yuda, look after the house while we're out.'

Yuda sits by the fireplace, placing an old advertisement for Plutus' largest supermarket chain: Tianguo. On its cover, a stall is surrounded by natives, opening their mouths like starving chicks. "I'll try my best."

'Sure,' replies Hannah, lying on the bed; not because of her injuries – they have healed, aside from a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on her right cheek – it is purely for a lack of motivation to move.

It is almost winter. In the city, this isn't much of a problem as involuntary workers clear the roads of snow. In nature's domain, there are no workers. Storm takes over as nature wills it, so preparations are necessary to see spring.

Sao and Akuma head into town, hooded cloaks covering their faces.

When declaring war on society, you cannot let the community see you; it makes what would have been a simple task has become a matter of life and death – if their identity revealed, then the police would gun them down on sight; there is no room for mercy when the consequences are fatal.

Their preferred market is the one by the Fertile Bowl, a crater covered in grass and signs of young fauna, dreaming of seeing the world outside of the inverted dome. The market is famous for its imported seafood from a distant town by Lacus Dei; a lake of such stature it substitutes the seas most worlds harbour. The water is said to be self-purifying, cleaning the fish before the autumn harvest. Fish from Lacus Dei are known for their crisp skin when cooked and the natural salt and the seasoning their blood provides. A feast of these fish supposedly grants a longer life, spawned from rumours circling the world with the elderly in the port towns living their youth for an extra lifetime.

Sao and Akuma approach the fishmonger, pointing out their desired fish, then paying, then leaving, only speaking to say 'goodbye'. Like that, they disappear, vanishing in the blink of an eye, turning into water droplets amongst the mist down the blood-paved roads, filtered back to nature through the roots of poppies, soaking up the red so there are no stains.

While exiting Plutus, Akuma turns to Sao, the question exiting before his lips.

'When can I practice?'

'Be patient. We don't want you to repeat what happened last time.'

'Well, in my 'humble' opinion, I believe I am quite capable of not overheating, I have become an expert in the arts. Hey, who am I?'

'Don't care.'

'Come on, who am I? I will try my best, try not to worry, will you?'

'Do, not, care.'

'Ok, one more go. Oh, how terrible, do not fret, you can walk down my path.'



'Please stop talking. If you don't, I'm going to drive this fish so far down your throat that you can't…!'

'Ooh, I am so sorry. What can I do for you to ever forgive me?'

'That's it. Come here!'

Akuma runs further down the path, rotating to pull out his cheeks and stick out his tongue towards Sao – left as the family trolley. With minimal effort Sao bolts forward to grab Akuma, then proceeds to carry him the whole way out of town, only pausing once to throw Akuma into a tree's leaves.

'I said I'm sorry. It's just that the way she talks now, with Yuda in the house, it's so posh.'


'Sao, can you stop ignoring me now?'


'You're such a child.'



Returning to their home, they drop off the food and the leaves with Hannah, then leave in the opposite direction of Plutus. Having already bought fish, it's dangerous back there.

Their destination is a town called Gullhvit. It sprawls across the north-western mountain range, second only to Plutus in land covered. Gullhvit has seen a fall in numbers recently; the appeal of the big city is too much for some of the youngsters to retain their aerial roots. A city, where sometimes entire blocks are vacated, is a haven for Hanko members; fewer eyes, fewer spies. Famous for their coal and other natural ores and minerals, despite the dip in numbers, their mining industry revitalised by the growing number of factories opening in the urban cities, the parasites Gullhvit needed to survive. Asides from Plutus, there are four other major cities that consist of mostly human souls: Bozhiygorod, Deus Porta, Shendian, and New Washington.

Sao and Akuma arrive intending to bring back coal for heating. In the countryside, temperatures decrease drastically, reaching -19oC by mid-January; maybe lower, no higher. Once again, they walk up to a shop, point to what they want, then leave, only saying 'goodbye'. The journey there and back takes a week if going by foot.

Three weeks after initially leaving the house, Sao and Akuma return for the winter. Coal by the barrel full and a school of fish, this winter appears to be defeated in round one. Next comes the days during winter. Round two is a test of perseverance, an examination of sanity; round one can only prepare the group for round two, like a training coach; after preparation, they can't do a thing to help you.

Hannah and Akuma sit on the bed – the only resting place in the house –, feet up, facing the fire; Yuda leans by the window, watching the snow build; Sao seats himself by the bed, keeping a close eye over everyone: his new fake family.