
Chapter II

Trekking across the Fertile Bowl, the assortment of Bellis Daisies, Hyacinthus Hyacinth, and Banksia Australian Honeysuckle reunited in uncommon company tickling their ankles: Akuma prances ahead of the group, dancing like a deer who has learned to walk, taking the occasional tumble into the greenery, smelling the aromas of distant seas and jungles; Rose trails behind him – wearing the biker's jacket handed to her by Akuma –, hands held behind her back, eyes closed, long steady stride, immersing herself with the hemisphere of nature she has been kept distant from, a far pleasanter sense than the same old coin stained brick walls and their iron scent; Sao keeps enough distance to keep his company in view, while allowing them freedom from his cage stare. Hands by his sides, his right hand tapping the hilt of his sword under his cloak.

The clouds form a shadowy ring around the Fertile Bowl, leaving nothing but sunlight to shine through, reflecting prominently off Sao's white cloak, and absorbed into the black at its bottom.

Rising from and out of the Fertile Bowl, the shadows swarm the road ahead deeper into the slums. The streets become narrower and narrower, the previous being crammed into the surviving space. Air compresses between the houses' walls, compressing its scent with it. The familiar iron scent returns to Rose from a paradoxical source. Searching around her, ever more anxious; the sights from her window exaggerated, the rotting face more defined, the ragged clothes more jagged like cloth knifes – the iron overwhelming. She pull up her jacket to cover her nose, which the creatures around her scoff at her for. Hurrying forward, she hides behind Akuma, who glances back confused, raising his eyebrows. Sao walks in front of the two, rushing their trail.

They arrive at the old blacksmith, where Hannah was promised a weapon for self-defence and where 'it' first appeared. Sao knocks on the door to the reply of a huff, the old man creaks the door open, looking through the crack.

'Who is it?' The old man grumbles.

'Your favourite customer.' Sao answers, looking back at Akuma and Rose with a grin.

'Oh, is it that Hannah girl? I'm sorry about the delay.'

Sao's grin flips. 'No, she isn't with me today,' he says turning back to the door. 'I've brought others.'

'Others? What are you, an adoption agency or something?'

'No, I'm debt free.'

'Debt free? You're having a laugh.'

The old man opens the door further to see a bag of gold in his face – Sao smug behind it.

'See? Debt free.'

'You actually paid,' the old man gasps.

A tear trickles from his wrinkled cheek, quickly wiping it away.

'Didn't you trust me, old man?'

'Is this all you've come for? Or are you here to pester me to work your debt back up?'

'Actually, how are you with prosthetic limbs? I've got a boy with a stump here. I was wondering if there was anything you could do for it.'

'A stumper you say. Come inside and I'll have a look.'

The three of them follow the old man into the shack, standing around a table – there weren't any chairs.

'Boy, sit on the table. I'll be over in a minute.'

Akuma does as said and hoist himself onto the rickety table, sitting with his toes touching the floor. The old man walks over with a dirtied magnifying glass; he pulls up Akuma's sleeve and examines the charred stump. He looks away in thinking before turning to Sao.

'It looks pretty bad. You're lucky he didn't pass out for good. The best I can do is a temporary arm, but I can point you towards someone who could make you a permanent arm, up in Gulhvitt. An old friend of mine, he got caught up in the prosthetic boom a few decades ago. I'm sure he's your best shot.'

'Thanks, old man,' Sao responds, holding open the door for Akuma and Rose to walk out. 'I guess that's where we are heading next.'

'Just a moment, Sao. I was going to deliver this to you this week but since you're here, I gather you're going to see the Hannah girl soon. Take this with you then.' The old man hands Sao a wrapped sword, a lot shorter than his, but with a wave's curve and a mountain dagger at the bottom of the hilt. 'I hope she likes it. Sorry about the delay. After that explosion I've been at rope's end financially.'

'I'm sure she'll love,' Sao replies, wrapping his left arm around the old man. 'And remember, I repaid the debt. At least I think I did. You might have to recount it, just to make sure.'

'I will. Now take care you lot. Oh, may I learn your names young ones?'

'Akuma,' he returns, his face gleeful, slightly jealous.

'Rose,' she responds formally. 'A pleasure to meet you.'

The three of them wave goodbye and walk through the forest, taking an alternate route home.

The old man returns to his table, spotting the bag of gold. He pulls out each bar, piece by piece, until the bag was half full.

'That idiot. He's repaid the debt. Time to count the rest.'

Once the bag was empty, the old man finds himself hiding his head on the table, sobbing.

'You didn't have to pay me back,' he sobs. 'That idiot.'