
Chapter VIII

Two men and a woman enter: the butler and two of those at the council. The butler leads them to the main room, seating them on two plain white chairs beside the sofa, before leaving.

A black clipboard and pen in both their hands, the monotonous of their costumes masks their skin – even their faces appear to have an ever-present shadow contained within their vine hair. Without their suits they would look like teens who ran away from home with no money and without a care for it.

Peeling back her sleave to check the time on her gold watch, she looks up to Sao with a lifeless face and asks for a confirmation on the people with him. He responds that there are seven of them, listing the names, as the woman writes them down on her clipboard, looking up on a few occasions. She then asks that everyone comes to the room. Naaji walks in, putting on a smile, Rahat behind him looking slightly to the side; Akuma and Rose stand up and turn to them, the man glaring back at them then looking back to his clipboard lowering his eyebrows. Six of them present, the woman asks where the seventh is, which Sao answers that they are asleep. She accepts and continues with their business.

'I'm sure you're wondering why you were brought here. The answers simple. You're under speculation of harbouring dangerous and unlicenced assets.'

Yuda looks to Sao, confused, until spotting the sword resting by Sao's leg.

'The sword's licensed,' Sao answers, which confuses Yuda once again.

'We're not referring to the sword.'

'Then what are you referring to. It can't be too serious. If it was you would have thrown you in prison.'

'Prisons fix nothing since according to reports your assets could easily break you out. Sao, how are you related to these people?'

Sao freezes. He scouts the room for something because the truth wasn't the correct answer. 'This is my friend, Yuda,' deciding to include some truth to make it believable. 'The younger two are his younger brother and sister, the one asleep is my sister, and the other two are our friends as well… they're married you see.'

Panicking, Naaji wraps his arm around Rahat and smiles.

'I see,' which she follows by noting something on her clipboard. 'And how did you all meet?'

'Well, Yuda's actually a doctor and he saved my sister's life a few years ago. We met these two during a holiday together in a bar. We got along well so we decided to stay in contact. We planned a trip here, to Gulhvitt, to celebrate the boy's birthday,' he says pointing to Akuma who starts thinking to himself, disengaging with the conversation.

'I see, so how old is he?'

'Fifteen years old.'

'Where are his parents?'

'Um… they are away.'

'Where exactly? So we can confirm his identity.'

'Well… I don't think they'd want you to bother them, it's not often they get to relax.'

'But it's their son's birthday?'

'Uh, yes, it is. It's complicated.'

'I'm not asking for any of your family drama, we need to know the identity of the parents to confirm the identity of the child. We will send people to them since you won't be allowed to leave these rooms unless authorised.'

'Yeah, sure, if we must. Oh! Akuma, can you get drinks for everyone – would you two like anything?'

'No Sao, we're thankful for the offer but we mustn't waste time on tea breaks.'

'Okay then – just take some water to Hannah then.'

Akuma heads to the kitchen and scouts around looking for a cup.

'So, Sao, where are the parents?'

'The thing is, they might have moved from where we last saw them.'

'And where would that be?'

'Oh, um,' Sao looks to the kitchen as Akuma pull a cup out of a cupboard above the oven and begins to fill it with the tap. 'Well, the last time would have been…' Akuma makes his way out of the main room, knocks on the door to the room Hannah is sleeping, and walks in, closing the door behind him. 'Well, you see…'

'Yes, Sao.'

'His parents are dead.'

'I see, I suppose such a hesitant response could only be expected with that answer,' she looks back down to her clipboard and writes down a few more notes.

Next, the man speaks.

'This Hannah, you're sister, correct?'

'Yes, that's right.'

'Younger sister?'

'Yes. A few years younger than me.'

'And how old would you be?'

'Me? I'm twenty-six.'

'So, she is around twenty-two, twenty-three?'

'No, a bit younger than that. Eighteen.'

'I see. Would she say she looks more like your mother or your father?'

'Oh, probably our father.'

'Why is that?'

'She gets her white hair from her father, and they have similar eyes.'

'You say "her". Do you have different fathers?'

'Yes, we do. Sorry, I should have mentioned that earlier.'

'Does she have any birthmarks?'

'No, but she does have a tattoo.'

'A tattoo?'


'I see,' he returns to his clipboard, jots down a few notes, then asks, 'so what is her name?' pointing to Rose.

'It's Rose,' Yuda answers.

'I know a Rose. Looks remarkably similar to you,' smiling at her. 'It's been a good many years since I have seen her. She's a princess from down in the south. Her father, Sir George, often sent her here during festivals to meet the other nobles. They're names I'm sure you know.'

'I'm afraid I do not.'

'Oh, have you never been to the south?'

'No, I have hardly even heard of it.'

'Oh, well, I would recommend you visit it, if you weren't under arrest. And also, there was a recent insurrection there so I fear there may longer be anywhere to visit.'

'That's tragic.'

'It is. Monsters, they are, the people there. I knew George quite well and never could he have done something with such cruelty to unrest the people. They were family to him.'

Rose walks over to the kitchen and gets herself a glass of water.

Akuma returns, Hannah still in her bed, with an empty glass, walks up to the sink, beside Rose, and places down the empty glass.

The man puts away his pen in a pocket to the left of his chest and begins to stand. The woman goes to follow suit but as they reach the door to the main room she turns back and asks, 'What are your last names?'

'Blanche,' Sao answers. 'It's European.'

'Neviah,' Yuda answers, giving no explanation.

'Ahsa,' Naaji answers, Rahat looking at him, piercing his temple with her narrow stare.

'I see,' the woman responds. 'Thank you for being cooperative. You can expect another visit mid-day tomorrow.'

The butler returns to open the door as they reach it, making their leave flowing, until the disruption of the door clicking shut.