Chapter 9. Escape : Ichitaro's acts?

Tensions escalates as the atmosphere remained silence as the wind whistles along the desert lake. Ichitaro was supposed to looked at the figure that held him with a knife, but he didn't make a slight movement as the tall man gripped him without letting him go.

" One wrong move and your friends will get it.", he said.

Of course, Ichitaro didn't move a muscle when he's felt threatened. He even kept his cool in this situation and knew Haen, Yuma and Kenny were neither his friends nor he ever met them everyday.

" How could you say that, when you know I've barely know these three?", asked Ichitaro to the man that placed his knife on his throat as he continued, " You can kill me all you want, but that won't change a thing."

" Oh, we won't kill you. There's someone else who's delited to do so." said the man, with an atrocious smirk on his face.

" LEAVE HIM ALONE, KAKUZU!!!" shouted Kenny.

" OR WHAT, YOU SQUIRM? If it wasn't for your mother, you wouldn't have talked to me the way you did." Deki said to him, in an angry tone.

Kenny tried to punched Deki, but he grabbed his fist and kicked him to the ground. Luckily, he wasn't hurt as Deki went closer to him, but Haen shoots five orange beams towards Kakuzu. Kakuzu, simply set Ichitaro free and used his left arm to destroy all five beams.

" Run, Ichitaro!" Yuma said as he assisted Kenny and kicked Denki down.

Ichitaro quickly grabbed three Zanpakutos and before he could make a run for it, he remembered that if he ran away from his own battle of life, he'll remain a coward. That was his family's motto. So he went back to Kenny and the twins for help.

During a brawl, Kakuzu was about to kill Haen in front of Kenny and Yuma after he kicked him away, Ichitaro took two of the Zanpakutos and aimed them at Kakuzu.

" Let go of these kids before I'll turn you into a meat pie." Said Ichitaro.

Kakuzu, looked at Ichitaro and he laughed at him.

" Just because you're a spirit demon, doesn't mean you can handle these puny swords."

' Spirit demon? Is he talking about Ichitaro?' Kenny thought to himself.

" Don't underestimate me, man " he answered to him as he sliced his cheek. When he touched his cheek, he could see his blood was red in colour from his finger, causing his facial expression to change in anger.

" YOU SADISTIC SON OF A BITCH!!!" Kakuzu shouted as he charged towards him. Ichitaro dashes at him once and gave Kakuzu a skull-crushing kick, sending him away from Kenny, Yuma and Haen.

In shock with anger, Deki went towards Ichitaro and tried to grab him, but he slids underneath him and used a white zanpakuto to slashed his back, splattering blood like a red-coloured paint. Groaning in pain from his back injury, he activated his powers as he laid his hands to the ground:


Purple flames were risen up from the ground and headed straight towards Ichitaro. He simply ran away from it and almost burnt Koro's furry jacket, in which he manages to escape from a lethal Inferno, since he doesn't have any powers.

Deki, kneeled down from his injuries and a purple flame soon drew closer to him. He quickly dodges the attack by rolling himself to a safety and sent it back to Deki, nearly burning him alive.

" Close call." he said and landed safely to the ground. Kenny was impressed with the techniques.

" No one has that kind of ability. Who taught you those moves?". Haen asked.

" My mother." Ichitaro answered.

Haēn and Yuma snorted in humour as they couldn't believe that Ichitaro was actually trained by his own mother.

" Tell me you're joking." chuckles Yuma.

" If I was... ", said Ichitaro as he grew closer to the three boys, when their chuckles were turned into fear, ".....I would have been laughing at that `joke` too."

Terrified as they stare into Ichitaro's fearful blue eyes, all three boys nodded at him - trembled in fear.

' I guess he's not kidding.' Yuma thought.

' Yep.' Haen agreed, in thought.

Ichitaro, then picked up the grey zanpakuto along with the other two he held and used his hooded jacket as a `bag` carefully, by wrapping them around and use the sleeves to fastened it into a `bag`. By the time he was thanking them for helping him, a circle of green light appeared to him beneath his feet.

Deki and Kakuzu were smiling at themselves, deviously as they placed their hands on the ground. Then a green beam, written in ancient demonic languages all over the circle, were turned into a hollowed green sphere, trapping him inside as it began floating him.

" We've got him." they said.

Kenny and the twins tried to free Ichitaro, but they too were trapped, but this time, with green individual body sized boxes. Ichitaro tried to kick his way out, but this barrier was more tough than steel.

" Hey, beardo faces! Get me out of there right now!" he said to Kakuzu.

" We wish we could, but.....", said Deki as he took out a crooked dagger from his side pocket, similar to the same weapon that killed Koro. It's so clear that Ichitaro could see a blood stain smeared on the hinge. He simply smiled as he continued, "....angel orders. And we have to take these three boys home."

" You said that you're not going to kill me."

" Sorry, spirit demon. We have to finish this job."

" You can't do that?!" said Yuma

" If Zen finds out about this, you'll be fucked.", said Haēn as both said the same words, " And we're not playing. "

Deki laughed as he found out that Yuma and Haen's `threat ` to be a harmless joke as he believed that Zen wasn't here to save them. Not knowing that a flock of phoenixs were passing by towards the sky and on their trails.

" Don't make me laugh, peep squeaks. This is what Kenny's father wants.", said Deki with a smile on his face. Then he turned to Kenny as he continued, making his smile disappeared from him, " Don't even think about comparing your mother after this. You're going to meet your father and that's it."

Deki, then gave Kakuzu the crooked dagger, so they could stab Ichitaro to death. Kakuzu, turned to Ichitaro and asked, with a vicious smile :

" Any last words, spirit demon?"

" I have one. Go fuck yourself, beardo face and your little girlfriend too. And that ponytailed beard of yours doesn't suit you well." Ichitaro answered.

Kakuzu smiled and chuckles lightly as he said : "Kid, you talk too much, just like your mother. You'll be meeting your forefathers very soon. "

As he lifted the crooked dagger on his hand, he landed it right in his heart, even though Ichitaro was surrounded by a green barrier.

" *Sayonara, spirit demon." he said.

By the time he was ready to strike, a golden ribbon like lasso grabbed Kakuzu's right arm that had a crooked dagger.

Ichitaro looked at something that held him tightly and was, emotionlessly, shocked and saw there's a woman. She was in her 30s, had blonde and brown hair streaks and wearing a soul reaper clothing. She was very livid when she saw Kakuzu.

" Don't even think about touching that boy, Kakuzu!" she said .

Kenny became thrilled when he saw her.

" MOM, YOU CAME!!" he shouted with joy and happiness.

" I had to, sweety. When I came back from the Soul society, you weren't there. So, I decided to track down your spirit energy to find you. And I'm surprised that you have a new friend over." she said as he looked at Ichitaro, excited and puzzled at the same time.

Suddenly, Kakuzu's spirit energy was so robust, he extremely pulled the woman the golden ribbon and was torn apart. She manages to land safely with her one hand.

Kakuzu and Deki went towards her and tried to take her down.


They shoot purple flames at her from their mouths. The woman activated a *Hadou, both from her hands.

[ Hadou 17 : Mizuchi no hakuren]

A powerful wave of water countered the attacks, causing fogs to cover the entire area, even on the lake and on the scorching sun.

Ichitaro couldn't see anything that happened here and who was that mysterious woman wearing some, what it appears to be, a soul reaper clothing. Which means that it'll give him time to try to get out of here. So, Ichitaro tried to get out of here.

The more he tried, the more he realised that it's impossible to do that. He heard woman screaming on top of her lungs on to something as more fogs were created and individual chatter s of lividness.


After few minutes of attempting to break in by punching and kicking, he could see the cracks started to form from punching.

' Great freedom!' he thought.

But everything changed as the fog slowly melted away from desert. He saw Deki and Kakuzu still in one piece, despite cuts and bruises from the Soul reaper.

He also saw Kenny there,in terror as if he saw a beheaded ghost, whilst the woman was laid down on her side - not dead, but passed out and as for the twins, they were still trapped in a coffin like barrier. They glanced at him with a devious smile, knowing very well there's no hope for him.

" Give it up, kid. You'll never escape." said Deki as he grabbed Kenny's head, which almost breaking his skull like a delicate lemon. Ichitaro's heart immediately beats faster. He knew that he's in danger and had to get out of the barrier fast.

Once his fist clenched in wrath, he finally punched the cracked screen so hard, it even sends a powerful shocking wave. It was so powerful that it sents everyone flying away, even Ichitaro himself...



As the sands were settling down from a whimsical racket, Kenny's eyes were opened and he saw nothing but dusts everywhere. Yet, he also felt as if someone was hugging him and he could feel her D-cup on his back. When he turned around, he saw his mother hugging him and a pink barrier were covered alongside with the twins, even though they're not injured.

Kenny asked his Soul reaper mother:

" What was that?"

" That was his own spirit energy." she answered, as her brown eyes sparkles in puzzleness and joy.

Kenny realised that Ichitaro wasn't there at all. He even discovered that Ichitaro had a spirit energy that was so powerful, that even a mere god could fear him. When the dust finally rests peacefully, Deki and Kakuzu were there.

" Akamaru, don't even think about activating your energy. You're coming with us, along with your son."

Akamaru glanced both of them in anger and exhausting. Knowing very well she had no other choice, she assisted her own son by getting up. With no words to say, Kenny and his mother Akamaru had to follow Deki and Kakuzu.

" Let me guess, Katsuya's a whinny baby for not seeing Kenny?" She joked.

" You do know that your son also Katsuya's."

Kakuzu scoffed, not even laughing at her jokes.

" Hmm. I guess he'll be a bitch should he died." She laughed.

Kakuzu remained angry, but Deki calmed him down and stated:

" She'll be in a comforting cell for now."

He simply went towards her and punched her at the back of her head, knocking her out cold. Kakuzu grabbed her unconscious body and threatened Kenny:

" If you say anything to that Shuru guy, I'll make sure he'll be sleeping six feet under by the time we'll finish your mother. "

In shock, awe and sadness, Kenny, Yumā and Haēn remained quiet for the whole trip until they've reached towards the castle via portal that they'd left it open.

Once they've arrived, Katsuya was half pleased when they brought both Akamaru and Kenny, Yumā and Haēn. Yet Ichitaro had slipped through their finger again.

" Throw her into a prison cell and take these children to the guest house. They'll feel more at home and not at this foul smelling horseshit they're staying." He commanded the guards and they were done as they were told.

" Rest for now, my good men. We'll captured this spirit demon and he'll never escape from us this time." He continued and both of them were headed to their own place before Katsuya saw the sky above and headed towards the prison like dungeon where Akamaru was there. He sat down and said to her unconscious body.

" I just want some good news. One day , everyone will know that the Spirit demons and the Soul society are evil entities who wanted nothing but pure chaos and The god of the underworld doesn't tolerate this at all and it's our duty to free him and destroy them all. "

" Soon everyone will thank us and hail us as the good Samaritans and great soldiers of Yato. Maybe you'll see it too. By then, you and Kenny will leave Shuru once and for all and come back to me as my second wife. Then afterwards, we'll be a happy family"

Little does he knows, a shadowy figure stood in darkness, listening to every words he sang .



At the long side of the stream, Ichitaro got out of the water after a powerful attack he'd received. He coughed and panted heavily when he reached towards a dry land filled with grasses. Just as he opened his eyes, he looked around the place, confused as usual.

He struggled to get back up and he simply rolled himself up before he sat straight as he tried to gasp for air. Until the same lady of the lake came towards him. Since he had no strength to fight anymore, he looked at her when he was about to ask her. But she said, in his thoughts :

" There's no need to ask anything."

" Wait, you can talk?" he asked, in his mind.

" I am a celestial being. Of course I can hear you."

" Where am I?"

" You're safe, for now."

As scared as he was, internally, he saw her disappeared from the water stream. Towards an unknown land, surrounded by danger, Ichitaro had stayed longer, until he'd find someone who probably lived there.

As for now, he took a sigh of relief thought carefully on how he'll find some of the artefacts and go back to Karakura Town. Then, he saw the crow again.

Figuring out of how it got here from the spirit world, it wanted him to follow it as it flew away. When Ichitaro followed it, he soon discovered a beautiful garden, even though his exhaustion had took him up his toll.

" What the hell is this place? Why is that crow taking me there?" he asked himself.