Chapter 7. Twilight Prince

Ichitaro's new spirit energy exploded like a powerful bomb, sending powerful shock wave towards the entire city. Every citizens took cover and some even peep for a whimsical fight. The man who held Kumori, looked at Ichitaro and his smirk appeared onto his face.

" I see that a spirit demon has awakened his own spirit energy." he scoffed, even though Ichitaro didn't utter a word for him.

As a result of Ichitaro's distraction, Deki kicked Iruka, sent him flying through the wall of the library and took the baseball bat away from him. He turned to the man and said :

" You want to end his life, aren't you?"

" Deki, I can't wait to get his bl____" he said, but was officially got disturbed by Ichitaro as his fury dashes at him and kicked him in his cheek, set Kumori free. Deki looked at Ichitaro, letting his fury and rage took over.

" YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" he roared as he rapidly charged in with a baseball bat onto his right hand. Without a single scream left from his voice and as quiet as a little mouse, he initiated a back flip and grabbed a baseball bat with both of his hands from Deki and landed safely to the ground.

He, then used the baseball bat to roughly strike Deki right in his stomach, right leg and spine several times before the man would grab Deki towards safety.

" You wouldn't see the last of us, spirit demon. YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!!" he shouted before running away from Ichitaro's wrathful attacks.

As soon as they'd disappeared, Ichitaro knelt down from exhausting, as a result of the large amount of his spirit energy he'd wasted. The entire citizens were slowly crowded at the library. Kumori went towards him and checked if he was okay.

" Don't worry, Ichitaro. I'll keep you safe. I promise." she said. When she looked at him right in his gorgeous blue eyes, she blushed herself. So, she assisted Ichitaro by getting back up and disappeared from the crowded place.


{ Iruka's POV}

News about Ichitaro spreads faster than the wildfire. Some wanted to test his mere strength, while others were terrified by the news. Everyone, except for the Spiritual Authority Society, were frightened by Ichitaro being a spirit demon, according to the gossipers and here says. One of the guards charges inside Iruka's home without any damages, leading two of the leaders.

One is a wolf while the other one is a Phoenix with brown hair, visited his household. They saw Iruka in his own state, despite never had any serious injuries around him. His own sister was healing him with her own energy. The wolf sat down next to him and asked :

" Another fight, Iruka?"

" Well, it's really not that bad. My sister's kid brought some blonde-haired kid. He's seems like a nice kid, but he looked so puzzled as if he was unknowingly came from the human realm with his parents." he answered.

" Wait as in....his Keitaro's kid?" asked the wolf, but was pretty spooked when he saw that Himawari punched him in annoyance.

" Her name is Kumori and she's your neice. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!!!" she shouted.

" Ouch! " he said.

" Don't worry, we'll find them as soon as possible." said the Wolf.

" Oh thanks, Zen." Iruka smiled.

Zen quickly turned back and began this conversation to the Phoenix. He commanded:

" Tell Shinsuke about this and tell him to gather his men. I'll investigate this matter as soon as possible. "

" Wait, aren't you coming?" he asked.

" Don't worry, I'll find out who it was myself. Now go, Akashi. " Zen answered.

Akashi nodded before turning himself into a Phoenix in an auburn in colour and flew away from Iruka's own home.

' Hmm. If Iruka said was true, then I'll have to find out the truth myself., ' he thought as he sniffs the misty air. He then learned, that scent was actually a spirit demon. So, he decided to follow that scent which sent him to the old retirement home - Twilight Prince.


{ Ichitaro's POV}

He's finally regained conscious after a charismatic brawl between the two men that killed Koro. He slowly got up and sat straight at, what it appears to be, a relaxing couch. Confused as he was, he looked around a room and saw a door opened itself.

Ichitaro still wondered where he and Kumori were and just as he was in for a surprise, he spotted a figure from the door. It appeared to be a woman, in her late 50s, having a similar hair color as Koro's, yet she had a long hair. She wore a yellow kimono filled with various colourful birds and flowers. She saw Ichitaro and smiles at him.

" Oh, I thought you're dead. Now I see that you're alive and well." she said.

" Listen, lady. Where am I? What happened to Kumori?" Ichitaro asked with an angry tone.

The old lady chuckles. " Didn't your mother told you to respect an elder, even if she is a princess of the Yamagata clan? " she asked, nicely.

Ichitaro was shocked to learn that the old lady he was talking to, was actually an heiress of the Yamagata. He said to her :

" I'm sorry. I was just so caught up with everything. "

" It's okay, child. You don't have to apologise." she said.

" Well, there is something I want to ask you. Oh man, I don't know where to start....."

" I know everything. I have this diary that you've been carrying. That belongs to my son. "

Ichitaro remained silent after the way she spoke to him. He couldn't even discuss this with her because he doesn't want to remind himself of how Koro died.

" I should go and check if there's any bathroom. " he said as he got up and went straight to the door. However, the old lady said something which really triggered him and stopped him completely:

" Find your destiny, spirit demon. They're three artefacts that you have to find. One is a sword, but you have to go to the lake and create your own. Then the amulet, similar to a substitute soul reaper's pass, but it'll be different from yours. And finally a Dark knight. You can find it at a island called Hakune Island. Some tried to find it, but never returned in one piece. Go forth, kid. The gods will test your fate. "

" Thank you, your highness. " he said, without looking at his shoulders before he walked out of the room.

Ichitaro kept on searching for Kumori until he spots her, talking to two old people. She's seemed very happy when she saw them, making him felt at ease. He also saw that they're also other elderly people in this building, especially nurses that took care of them.

He went towards Kumori, in which surprisingly, she wanted to introduce to the other elderly couple that she was talking to.

She took his hand and went straight to the elderly couple.

" Grandma, grandpa this is the guy I was telling you about. Ichitaro, these are my grandparents - Douma and Minoru Mishima." she said.

" Grandparents? Why didn't you tell me all of this?" he asked.

Before Kumori could answer the question, Ichitaro senses another spirit energy. He saw that one elderly woman took a step further and looses her balance from the stairs. In speed, Ichitaro zoomed in and saved the elderly woman from falling over to her death. She looked at him, whilst assisting her to safety and said :

" Oh thank you so much for saving me, young man. I didn't even see where I was going. I wish they're are kids like you."

" You're welcome." he said.

Soon, the elderly couple were glancing at him and were easily impressed by Ichitaro's way of saving someone. The elderly man walked towards him and asked :

" That technique seemed impressive. Who taught you those moves? "

" My mother. Thankfully she's alive and well." he answered.

" Douma, dear look at him. He's nothing but skin and bones." shouted the elderly woman.

" He is I can see that. Come on, kid. You seem pretty hungry that you can eat a Kirin whole, if you've seen one. " he chuckles.

Knew that he hadn't been eating since this morning nor that time when he was at the house shaped tombstone after a battle between the two men and Orihime and Uryuu, he couldn't denied that he hadn't have anything left to eat.

He decided to stay for a little while and hearing all those fantastic tales about the spirit demons and how their lives were cut short by a mysterious unknown ways.

On this faithful afternoon as Kumori was taking a nap as usual, Ichitaro felt like he was going to take a short cut to the toilet because nature had called him. So, he quickly went to the bathroom, goes to the toilet, opened up his zipper and released his pee for a relief. However, it didn't end well for Ichitaro as he could hear a heavy knock from the door.


' Dang it, Kumori. You couldn't even let me piss myself peacefully in here.' he thought annoyingly. As the knock grew lowder than ever, he heard someone opened it as well.

" KUMORI, DON'T!!!" he shouted, but it was too little too late. The door was opened and Ichitaro tried so hard to close it, but he accidentally peed onto someone who's not Kumori - it was someone else.

Ichitaro was shocked and embarrassed at the same time, when the person he peed on was actually a woman as she screamed terribly in disgusted. But also there's a man stood behind her along with the guards and it turns out to be Katsuya. He was as angry as a wet hen on the heat.

" You dare piss on my wife?!" he asked

" Hey, she came out of nowhere, dude. I didn't even see her. " Ichitaro said.

" You have no respect, spirit demon! Now I'll crush you, like a little bug!!"

In anger, he nearly grabbed Ichitaro, but he slipped and fell from Ichitaro's own pee then the other guards were fell for it, including Katsuya's wife. Ichitaro went up to the ceiling and ran for his life. Ichitaro had so many things in his life. Why is everyone calling him `Spirit demon ` these days? Ichitaro saw Kumori waking up from her nap and she danced with her grandfather. As sweet as it gets, Ichitaro landed from the floor and asked Douma :

" Hey, is it okay if I take this dance for this lovely lady?"

" Oh of course. Someday, you'll be a great son in law." he said joyfully.

" Grandpa, he and I are friends. Nothing else." she murmured as her face turned red in embarrassment. Ichitaro took her hands and starts dancing with her. As the music was so sophisticated and classic, it is as if they were following the rhythm of it.

" Ichitaro you look shaking, what's wrong? " Kumori asked as if Ichitaro had seen something terrible.

" It's those guys. They were pissed off, it's as if they were hunting for me." he whispered.

" Ichitaro, calm down. Listen, I know where the magical lake is. It's at the desert of death. Now all we have to is ___."

she whispered as well, but was pretty disturbed by another group of individuals. And it looks like a flock of well built phoenixs and a wolf. One of the leader asked :

" I'm looking for a blonde haired spirit demon. Has anyone ever seen it? "

Whilst every elderly people and nurses were looking at them, Ichitaro and Kumori stooped their dancing as the music was stopped, prematurely.

" Oh, fuck this.", he murmured before taking a baseball bat, which it was at the corner of the wall, smashes the window and headed straight to the broken window. He shouted at Kumori," We'll meet again, Kumori! And you look adorable today!"

Kumori blushes even more as Ichitaro's words almost melted her heart, while everyone else were watching Ichitaro landed himself in a pool of cold water and swam right through.

" Where do you think he's going? " said one elderly man

" At the desert of death. " said another elderly man.

" Welp, he's a goner." said the first one as everyone, except for Kumori, heading back to their normal routine.

' Be careful, Ichitaro. I don't know if I ever tell you that I have feelings for you.' she thought, before heading back.

That was until Katsuya and his men were out of the retired home, they would had a conversation between them.

" Did you hear that? He's going to the desert of death. On his own." said Deki

" Good, maybe I'll find him." said Katsuya.

" The spirit demon?"

"No. My son. After 14 years."

He smiled at the sun when it slowly sank from the mountains. Without any hesitation, he not only knew where Ichitaro was, but also the elderly woman was staring at the window. He then went back to the flock of phoenixs and Zen.

" So, do you want to talk, Shinsuke and Zen?" she asked.

" Yes."