Chapter 23. Preparing for the feasted truth


Once the autumn sun sets across across the horizontal mountain, its twilight dusk revealed a stunningly gorgeous pattern of indigo, dark blue, golden yellow, coral orange and a hint of salmon red.

In the small village of the Yokai district, a Japanese style castle was among the residential houses. And inside there, Hirōshi wrote something on a piece of paper and roll it out after he was finished while tying with a red thread and gave it to a bat-like squirrel entity standing right near him. Its golden fur with black and white stripes from its head to its fluffy squirrel like tail had been outshined by the lazy sun's light, revealing its beauty.

" Alright, I want you to do exactly as I say - Go to the Soul society and give this to Kyoraku Shunsui. Maybe he knows what to do in this situation. But if you can't find him, you can find his wife. Whatever you do; do not give this to anyone else. Not even Shingekuni. Got it?" He requested the little Yokai. Without asking any further questions, a Nobusama simply spread out its bat like wings and and flew out of the window right before the autumn sun's last farewell and the beginning of winter's arrival. Hirōshi then got up from his desk and headed back towards his bedroom en-route to the bathroom when a shadow of an old lady standing right behind and asked:

" You're not going to keep them here for a long time, are you?"

In frustration, he sighed without giving her a straight answer.

" I can't predict how much longer. Yet, they'll be safe here as long as they like, unless you want their blood will spill on Kazumi's hands whilst we sit with our heads on the ground and our asses straight in the air? It's their decision they're here in the first place."

" Then why am I sensing three spirit demons and their spirit energy?"

" I do too, mother, but it's too early to tell. As for now I'm preparing a feast for our kind in order to prepare for a long winter. I can't afford to fail everyone else, not since Shingekuni and the other Soul society ___."

" Don't blame yourself, my son. What happened between your father and the Soul society had nothing to do with you. Your main focus are our people and they should respect you as your leader. Your father would've been proud of a man you are today. " She advised him and disappeared beneath his shadows

' Thank you, mother.' he thought after he went towards the bathroom as he took off his clothes, getting ready for his long bath time.

{ Meanwhile at the Yokai village}

Somewhere inside the hostel, the Kagami triplets lived here for temporary reasons in each different beds with each different kinds of thick coloured bedsheets. Rangiku was in slumber after a long journey from the mine shaft all the way through here, while Ichitaro read some clues on the diary to figure out where could he'd find a last artefacts that his `kind` had left long ago and as for Yoshimura, however, she'd been staring at her brother for quite hours after they'd arrived safely in the Yokai district and quietly. Ichitaro didn't bother paying attention to her and said:

" If you want to look at me like some creep, just say something."

" Well I'm not that desperate, silly.... well maybe a little bit. It's really not the first time my siblings are reading dead people's diary. I think it all started with Tanjirō. " She cheerfully answered when she pulled one of the soft furred and covered all over him not knowing she was peeping over his head.

He noticed it as well but did say nothing but a simply muttered:

" Thanks. Just to be clear, Yoshi. Never sniff on my hair like I'm some bitch or something."

" Oh come on, Ichi. You're no fun sometimes. " She whined, got up and picked up a snow white peach from the basket before sitting down and took a bite.

" I'll always and will be a no fun kinda guy."

As their diminutive petty arguement was, in fact, as slothful as it was, Rangiku remained asleep, until she felt something unusual and eerie. In her dreams, the environment was almost the same area that Ichitaro had been, except all of the buildings were dilapidated and demolished. Terrified, she looked around and called Ichitaro and Yoshimura's name also she even tried to yell Ichigo's name too; no one answered her desperate call except one.

Unknown to her presence, a shadow figure appeared behind her and Rangiku could feel heavy cold breathing over her neck. When she slowly turned around to look at who's behind her, she could feel as if a ghastly cold were running through her spine. In horror, she could see a female soul reaper covered in her own blood and scars all over her body, while her eyes are all dug out as if she cried bloody tears without her eyesights. Rangiku was afraid of her as she tried to reach out to her and attempt to closed her eyes, hoping her nightmare would surely goes away, in which she did.

Her tiny frightening scream had caught both of her siblings' attention. Both of them stopped at what they're doing ; trying their best to comfort their sister.

" Hey, Rangiku. What is it!?" Anxiously they asked in unison.

" She's still here. Saito is still there in my head and I can't get over her." She shivers in her smaller brittled voice. Both of them were in shocked in disbelief as her nightmare with a mysterious soul reaper woman continues to haunt her for 10 year after Ichitaro's accident.

Ichitaro may had experience this with his very own never ending nightmares when the accident happened to him, but he was trying his best to never fall asleep. Unfortunately for him, sometimes his fatigue got the best of him even if he doesn't want to.

That's until a knock on the door and Ichitaro went out there to check who it was. When he opened up, he saw a beautiful woman with a jet black hair and a mauve eye, dressed in a colourful dark orange kimono robe decorated in variety of coloured autumn leaves.

Immediately she ordered while giving three different coloured kimonos to Ichitaro at the same time:

" Emperor Hirōshi is hosting a feast tonight, so it'll be an honour for all of you dress up nicely for tonight."

After she left, Yoshimura and Rangiku got up from bed and went to him.

" Who's this lady you've been talking to?" Yoshimura asked

" I have no idea. But it's about that Hirōshi guy hosting some kind of Thanksgiving dinner party. " He explained.

" Well in that case, let's go and change. It might be our first invitation and maybe we'll find this last artefact that Koro want us to."

" Exact.... Wait are you spying on me?"

" Oh come on now, Ichi. ", she answered in a cheeky tone by rubbing his cheeks , "It's just a diary with ancient languages that we're too young to understand. "


In a mesmerising evening when the evening star waited for the half moon's arrival in dusk. Maids and Makura- gaeshi decorated the tables filled with plates, bowls, lanterns and autumn forest themed venues. The tables were as long as a python and each three tables are large enough to fit thousands of Yokai villagers so that no one could be left out. Chefs are preparing soups, meats, fruits and vegetables to be cooked to perfection ; some are even making salads and well prepared raw veggies and fruits for those who couldn't eat cooked foods.

Renji checked out on Rukia at an old abandoned house, that is called a healing facility as he only looked through the frame window so he can't see any of her naked body. Her wounds are almost closing, while her clothes are carefully packed into a safety. A Nuppeppo sucked an equal amount of her wounds to finalise the healing process whilst Rukia's uncovered nude body remained in a relaxing position. By the time he was doing a ` sneak peek `, someone pulling his badge and when he turned around he saw Shikamaru there.

" What the fuck do you want, Shikamaru?" He demanded.

" I just want to know if it's okay to spy on Captain Kuchiki's adopted sister since he isn't there." He joked cheerfully.

" Huh? You sure love to joke about this shit we're in. Besides, I was checking on her."

" On her small ` teacups` ? It's clear we're on to one thing in common - the Kuchiki prin____." He said, but Renji covered his mouth while his cheeks were blushing in salmon red by embarrassment.

" Shikamaru, shut the fuck up. What if someone could hear us, you prick?!" He fumely whispered so that the whole village doesn't have to hear them bickering over Rukia. He then checked if anyone else could hear or saw them standing there for a really long time before the Yokai feast. That's until a door opened; a raccoon-like dog with a vintage dark green kimono and glasses arrived outside the hospital. He then looked at the them and and asked :

" You're here for the patient are you?"

Both nodded hastily and Renji asked him :

" So, how is she, old friend I mean?"

" Well, she's fully recovered and will be ready by tomorrow. She just needs some rest and will be staying here for tonight. That scar sure is deep, but what you did to save her life was brilliant. I guess I should head out for the last autumn dinner. "

Before Renji could ask more questions to the Tanuki doctor, Shikamaru trampled on his feet and him free his mouth from his hand.

" OW!" He cried in pain and furiously he was raising his fist, " YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" But the same woman from earlier, grabbed his arm, in which captures crowds of Yokai villagers and Renji glanced at her in shocked. She said in a calmer manner:

" I guess you don't know that we don't allow violence during this time of the year. We're hosting the last autumn festival for our community and it'll be my pleasure to both of you must show some respect."

Renji released his arm from her and bowed before her in act of an apology. Same goes to Shikamaru, but in his mind, he's still amused to the way Renji reacted to her.

In panic, the Tanuki doctor goes back to work and requested the woman to assist Rukia. Eventually, it brought to their escape, but the woman tapped on her feet and vines coming through the ground and unable to escape her tremendous fate she'd in store for them.


Every living Yokai villagers had gathered around as the feast had just begun ; sitting in alphabetical order like they always did for thousands of years. Chefs brought scrumptious cuisine over the table, while maids helped out on elderly and children Yokai. They too had joined the others as well when they took their seats. The triplets were seated and dressed for the occasion, dressing up in different styles ; Ichitaro wore a Raven black masculine kimono with skulls, Rangiku wore a magneta with suns and Yoshimura wore a delicate light Cyan kimono with snowflakes.

As Rukia did woke up in time for the meal, she wore her blue kimono with lavender patterns around it. Some are more patient than others and Shikamaru was one of them. Mikatsu waved her paw on Ichitaro just for the attention and when he was looking at her direction, he saw her sitting right next to the other nekomadas. The triplets and the soul reapers, however, were on the guest lists as they sat a few meters away from Hirōshi and his diminutive family members.

Inside the castle, Hirōshi prepared to wear his Japanese royal attire when someone was at the door.

" Come on in." He ordered and once it's opened, the woman from earlier, slowly approaches to him. He looked at the `guest` he smiled as if he knew her.

" Oh, my dashing autumn bride. You look lovely tonight. If I had the time in the world, we would be busy for about five minutes. "

The woman blushes and said:

" Oh, Hirōshi. You sure have other ways to compliment me. "

" So, are our people expecting my arrival? "

The woman helped him with his multi-colored royal haōri with kirin's fur around its sleeves and on the inside. She simply explained:

" Yes, they are. Along with the soul reapers and these three kids. "

" No need to worry about them. They'll go back when it's safe. I don't want to put anyone in danger, especially sending them to a trap full of blood thirsty murderers and terrorists and one of Yamamoto's men are amongst them. "

" We'll talk later, I don't want to waste your own time whilst people are ravenous to death. " she sighed, then chuckled nervously.

" Oh right. We must. " he added.


Majority of the Yokai villagers' patience were growing thin. Some wanted to leave, but noticed that it was vulgar to disrespect the emperor. Others wanted to devour large amount of delicious food, but had to think about the others as well. Rangiku was scared if this soul reaper wanted to harm her harshly. That was until the Rokuroubi woman used her long neck to spy on the emperor's arrival and announced:


Immediately, every Yokai stood up and musicians harmonized their own instruments. As Hirōshi and his wife arrived in a nick of time, every Yokai bowed before him, leaving with neither hatred nor jealousy over him. The triplets, Rukia, Renji and Shikamaru were doing the same as the villagers too. By then, everyone took a seat right before him. While silence had manifested them and the music died down, he cleared his throat as he proposed his toast.

" Ladies and gentlemen, young and old. I would like to thank you all for attending this wonderful evening. We all know that we have special guests for bringing our warriors home from the demon traffickers, safe and sound. Not only that, this is also a tradition that had been created by a certain Shihōin fellow, whom usually stayed here for thousands of years before he and his family departure. Even though he is no more, we would like to pay his tribute to____"

His speech was cut off when an Oni-hitokuchi sensed something and ran toward gate and disappeared. Everybody remained suspicious of this hairy Yokai, then it brings another soul reaper towards the emperor and this time, a Nobusama was nowhere to be seen. Hirōshi was worried about the little entity, while Renji's jaws were dropped.

' Oh no, what is Hanatarō even doing here?' He thought anxiously.

"What are you doing here soul reaper?" He demanded as he leaned toward Hanatarō.

" Well, it's Yamamoto. He wanted to give you this ." He nervously answered and gave him the hell butterfly.

He placed his fingers as silence remained welcoming, the butterfly simply landed towards his fingers and heard a cryptic message. Once its done, he simply chuckled with amusement.

'Shigekuni, you twisted old fuck. ' he thought .