Part Ten

Eden: Paradise Lost

Part Ten

Elsewhere, in Prime 2

Brianna smiles as she leaves her room as she smirks and reads over the piece of paper that he left with her as Amy and the other girls give her a look. 

Brianna: I told y'all, there's always dirty work to be done. 

Makayla: That didn't take long at all.

Brianna: After the mess we took care of last night, word gets around. It gets better though, this job, Is from the top. 

The girls all raise an eyebrow as Brianna passes them a contract for them to read.

The misfit's hangout

Maxwell takes out the USB drive and smiles as he hands it to Lance who looks at it with a determined face. 

Kris's apartment

Kris looks at his phone as it was ringing loudly as he sees it was from Shane, Kris yawning before he hits the answer button.

Kris: Yeah.

Shane: They're here. 

Kris hangs up and grabs a shirt and his gear bag.

The 23rds outpost.

Terry and Dustin sit in some chairs of the 23rds outpost as Kris hurries inside moments later as the two stand. 

Kris: Where's Lance?

Terry: we've been sent to take you in

Kris: No, not alone. 

Terry: Three of your men, no more. 

Shane: The data's been decided?

Terry: Yeah,and you'll definitely wanna see what we found. 

Kris: Jared? Nick, Ajax?

Shane: Don't know, haven't seen em. 

Kris: Alright, Mary, Miles, Shane, with me.

The four gear up and follow Terry and Dustin out.

The Misfits Hangout

Lance paces about as Max sits at the large screen as Terry and Dustin, leasing the others inside as Lance nods at them all before coming and shaking Kris's hand.

Lance: Comrade, Scroggins.

Kris: what have you got?

Max: Definite, proof that's what. 

Maxwell brings up the screen and with the decoded information as he moves back and lets everyone from the 23rd read it over. 

Kris: Jesus Christ. 

Lance: The typo 0 blood mutagen, the under hand testing funded by the president, all of it, it's all here. 

Shane: Son of a bitch. 

Mary: He's been doing this for years. 

Maxwell: How has he been able to keep it from the powers at hand still baffles me. 

Terry: Nothing in the files suggests a clear or stated motive, but there has to be one. 

Kris shakes his head, a scowl on his face l.

Kris: And the animal testing?

Lance's face drops as Maxwell and the misfits look somber.

Kris: What?

Maxwell: the reports all say the animal testing was used to possibly find a cure and to see what exactly the rate of infection is in other mammals. 

Shane: Thought we already knew all of this?

Maxwell: We did. But we found something else out. Animals with the infection prior and post zombification cannot infect the virus into a human being…

Kris: That means your team member, Kyle…

Lance: Yeah. He would've just had that arm wound. But he wouldn't have turned…

Mary: We're sorry, but you didn't know, none of us did. 

Lance: Doesn't change that he is dead, and it's my fault.

Shane scans the files as Kris runs his chin, thinking. 

Kris: So we have all the data to back our claim, what else was on the files?

Shane: Names, dates, all of them correspond to subjects used for testing and... assassination attempts as well as actual assassinations.

Miles stands reading  as the others turn to the info sprawling on the screen.

Kris: He's murdered thousands of people...people I knew…

Maxwell: Most were political, but a lot were used for testing. 

Shane: Wait, how long ago was this updated?

Maxwell: I've been tapped into the feeds all morning, anything recently put in their files would download straight to me. 

Shane: Son of a bitch, Kris...he knew. 

Kris: what!?

Shane brings up a page with a few names and Kris looks horrified.

Kris: When was this updated?

Shane: An hour ago…

Kris: We've got time, Shane, send this to General Marcus!

Kris, Mary, and Miles run off and out of the hangout as Lance nods for Dustin and Terry to follow.

Shane: Where are you going?!

Kris: To save kit squad members!

Maxwell watched them go as the names of Jared, Ajax and Nick are on the screen with their pictures next to a contract.

Outside of EDEN

Ajax, Jared, and Nick walk back along a laid path that leads back to the fool's landing area they came out of. 

Ajax: Anything seem strange to y'all today?

Jared: What is your deal, man. You're acting very bitch made. 

Ajax: Everything just seems askew to me since yesterday, I just don't feel safe like I used to…

Ajax spins as a gunshot goes off and he's struck in the right shoulder as Jared aims the rifle about towards the sound where the shot rang out from.

Jared: Is he hit!?

Ajax winced as Nick Nick puts pressure on the wound, Jared aiming as he screams back at Nick

Jared: Goddamnit, is he hit!?

Nick: yes! Goddamnit, where did it come from?

Jared looks about as Nick keeps his hand on the wound and draws his 9mm from his hip as only to be suddenly disarmed when a precise gunshot shoots his gun out of his hand as Nick turns to see Makayla butting the end of her machinegun into his Temple, Nick going limo as he drops next to Ajax as Jared's turns to fire but is shot from behind by a shotgun blast to his flak jacket, Jared screaming as he falls forward as Evelyn appears and aims her gun down her at his head

Evelyn: Don't fucking move!

Brianna steps up, shotgun in hand as she places it over her shoulder.

Brianna: Bag'em and tag'em girls. We've got some torturing to do. 

Mandy appears with her scoped rifle as the other girls begin to hog tie the three men.

Fool's Landing Outpost

Frank watches as Kris and the rest of the 23rd appear along with Terry and Dustin, Rebecca fuming as Frank and a few guards come over to block them. 

Frank: Sorry you guys, there's no passage today…

Rebecca forearms Frank, cracking his nose as Terry and Dustin disarm the other two guards as they try to aim at Rebecca, the third does nothing as Mary had already aimed her crossbow at his face.

Rebecca: Where are they?!

Frank: I don't know…

Kris pulls Frank up and punches him again, Rebecca looks both infuriated and surprised by Kris's actions.

Kris: We know they had a two hour pass today and we also know about the assassin's, so again, where are they!?

Frank: I don't know! They bagged them like ten minutes ago and already came back through…

Rebecca: You motherfucker…

Rebecca kicks Frank across his chin as the third man tries to break free from Mary's aim but she reacts coolly and fires an arrow through the back of his skull.

The other two men are visibly disturbed by the other man's sudden death as Mary pulls the arrow out and reloads it into her crossbow as Frank looks at Kris  who whistled at Mary.

Kris: What happened?

Mary: He moved.

Kris nods and looks back at Frank

Kris:Where did they take them?

Frank looks at them all in terror

The misfits hangout

General Marcus is on the screen as TY hooks his wrist mounted tablet into his server. 

General: and this is all of it?

Shane: Yes, sir. 

TY: Downloading now. 

General: How did you stumble upon this, Mr. Reed?

Lance stares at the general as his fiery gaze still burns with hatred for this man. 

Lance: I've dedicated these last years of my life to try and find something, anything, that would help me bring you down. Expose you for who I think you truly are. I have yet to do so. Caught a whiff that something was up and had one of my men look into it. Jumped at the opportunity to find anything with you being involved. I was wrong. 

General: Sorry to disappoint. But if all of this is true, you could be the very reason EDEN is saved. 

Lance: I'm jumping for joy. 

TY steps back and unplugs his tablet

TY: Data uploaded. 

Maxwell: All the files are corralled into a single pocket of information for easier reading. 

TY begins to look it over as his drops gravely. 

TY: Everything seems to be in order, their claims can be supported, General. 

General Marcus nods as he looks somber. 

Lance: What are you going to do about this?

General: I'm going to take EDEN back. Gather your people, anyone and everyone you can trust. I'll arrive tomorrow morning, my forces no later than the following day. Our priority is to keep innocent lives out of harm's way, so do not start any fighting until I can assure the civilians safety. 

Maxwell: That's a lot of people and ground to cover, likely that Innocent casualties no matter the precaution will happen.

TY: Better to save as many as we can regardless then to have them stuck between any fire fights.

Shane: You sure the president won't go quietly?

General: He banks rolls most of the military presence in EDEN. By directive order, the military there is his, so, yes, I don't believe he'll go quietly. 

Shane: Then we may have bigger problems…

General: Explain.

Shane and Lance look at each other.