Part Twenty Seven

Eden: Paradise Lost

Part Twenty Seven

Lance runs out of the alley and onto the Street, but he bumps into Makayla as Terry and her were standing frozen as Lance looks at the blinding light that was shining down over them. 

Lance:( I'm Russian) The fuck is going on…?

The three turn as Runners appear behind them as the three dive and cover their heads as a barrage of gunfire tears the Runners into gory chunks of nothing. 

A moment passes as the three slowly stand, Lance turning to the bright lights as he smiles. 

Lance: Couldn't have shown up earlier?!


Miles turns down a road as he stops the car and hits the wheel as he leans against the steering wheel as Brianna looks at him. 

Brianna: Why the fuck aren't we moving?!

Miles: We're out of gas. 

Mary: Shit!

Miles: Smack dab in the middle of a dead city, just outside the square. 

Lyndsey: What do we do now…

Mary: I'm not sure...we 

Amber lets out a horrifying scream as the group all turn to see zombies appearing down the front end of the street as well as behind them from where they had just come, Mary sneering as she gets out of the car and aims at them with an AR she takes from one of the ammo bags. 

Mary: All of you go. Go get out of here! 

Miles: Mary, don't do this!

Mary: there's nowhere to go...and I'm tired of running. 

Lyndsey: No…

Brianna: Haha fuck it, I'm not dying a coward either. 

Brianna pumps her shotgun and gets out as Miles grabs Lyndsey and gets her out of the car. 

Miles: Run baby, take the others and just go!

Lyndsey: I told you…I'm not leaving you again!

Miles grips her hand as he turns and stands next to Brianna, as Dustin gets out and goes and stands next to Mary as the zombies continued to draw closer and closer as Lily screams as more appeared coming from the left end of the street now as Lyndsey clings to Miles in terror as Amber and Lily held each other as Finch screamed at them.

Finch: Cut us loose!

Hockmeyer: We can help, cut us loose!

Mary: Fuck off!

Brianna: Here we go!

Mary pulls the tab and aims as Miles pulls up a throwing dagger, Dustin making a war cry as Brianna puts her finger in the trigger and pulls back as Lyndsey buries her head into Miles' back. 

A large clump suddenly goes flying as a large explosion rocks the street as the Group watch as Jeeps barrelled through the horde behind them as as men in mounted torrent guns fire about, shredding the dead into gory ribbons all around the group as Mary watches as a Tank appeared and fired a mortar shell as it blew dozens of clumped together zombies into charred pieces as Dustin cheers, as all of the sudden the area is swarmed with military personnel, Amber and Lily watching with clear relief as every zombie in sight was eradicated in a never ending hail of bullets as Miles holds Lyndsey close to him.

DJ Barnes smiled as he lowered his facial covering as he pushed his ear piece in and turned on a mic in front of his mouth. 

DJ: Mary the Widowmaker. 

Mary: Deej. I'm glad to see you. 

DJ: Likewise, though I'm surprised to see you or anyone this way alive. But we got a fainted distress signal from the Prime's so we had to make the attempt. Least we're not coming back empty handed. 

Miles: how did y'all…

DJ: No offense, but I'd rather do this in a secure location, so follow my men, they'll get you and your prisoners loaded up. 

Mary: Deej, we got three of our own in the central prime area that needs evac, please…

DJ: I'll send Cayce. 

Mary: Thank you.

DJ: Thank me later. Alright, round 'em up, and head home, we don't want to linger anymore then we already have! 

The group falls out and follows some men into different vehicles as DJ pushes his ear piece in. 

DJ: Zero Company, this is eagle, all sweeps return to the best, all sweeps return to the nest. Cayce, Cayce come in air dragon. 

Cayce (over radio): Air Dragon to Eagle, what's up?

DJ: We've got three does in Prime Central sound like capable survivor's, do a quick fly over and bring em back if you can find them. 

Cayce: Roger that, Eagle.

DJ waits for a moment before he hears a swirling him as he watches a combat helicopter quickly fly over him and towards the burning lights in the distance.


Nick, Kris and Rebecca stop as they were out of breath, the large horde still closing the gap all around them as they searched for a clear path. 

Kris: We have to keep going…

Nick: I say we get inside somewhere and light them up until we run out…

Rebecca: Look!

The three watched as a gun ship appeared and was shining a spotlight around before shining it down over them as the pilot, Cayce Lynn, smirks as he aims the cursor in his helmet onto the horde closest to them. 

Cayce: Air Dragon to eagle, found our does. 

Cayce presses down on the button on the pilot's lever as he opens fire with the gunships torrent guns as the front end barrels spun as hundreds of rounds cascade down and tear the horde to bits as the three watch in awe as the Zombies were get dismembered into gory pieces of putrid flesh and chunks.

Cayce smiles as his work as DJ's voice fills in his ears as he begins to descend and a military man throws an attached ladder down. 

DJ: Good work, Cayce. Reel Em in and bring'em home. 

Cayce: Aye aye. 

Rebecca waves them down as Nick leans against Kris. 

Nick: Let's not be as trusting…

Kris: Gotta have faith, Nick.

Nick: We've got a much longer night still ahead of us sir, things are just starting…

Nick goes to Rebecca as the ladder reaches her hands and she begins up as Kris checks his watch to see it was only 8: 32 pm. 

The three eventually get onboard as the soldier raises the ladder as Kris hurries to the cockpit.

Cayce: Hang tight you guys we're gonna get ourselves to a safe place…

Kris: Hold up a minute, we need to make a quick stop…

Elsewhere, the Bank

Shane looks up as he raises an eyebrow as the gunship lowers itself down as Kris was hanging off of the end of the ladder as Kris climbs down and comes over to him as Kris looked relieved to see him as he had tears in his eyes. 

Shane: What took you so long!?

Kris hugs him tightly as Shane hugs him back, the two backing away after a moment as Kris nods at him before he notices the pile of dead bodies that barricaded the door.

Kris: Nice. 

Shane: Yeah, would've been easier with Collin…

Kris: He…

Shane: He didn't make it. 

Kris: Shit. 

Shane: Kris, about the smart zombies…

Kris: Debrief later, we need to get to safety first. 

Shane: Where is that?

Kris: The Zero Company Base…

Shane raised an eyebrow as Kris and Shane looked up at the helicopter as they both seemed a bit hesitant. 

End of Part Twenty Seven.