Tiny black dots
Cute like buttons,
So eye-catching
That creatures scavenger hunt —
The Ladybug.
Study closely
Watch her every move,
All the things that make it a mystery:
The most intelligent, caring, and the most beautiful —
Thank the trees, she's invisible.
Spy like an Entomologist
Observe its grounded livelihood
So divine,
Latch yourself —
To The Ladybug.
A Hirundinidae's love
Is like no other attachment,
A happy Entomologist's overzealous loyalty,
The Swallow Bird's pecking-order —
Follow the Ladybug.
Closer and closer you come
You won't break its wings,
A predator —
Preying against the Ladybug.
Its mesmerizing beauty, so natural and non-commercial,
Its intelligence and compassion
All that creates mystery
The Entomologist's created symbolism —
The Ladybug obsession.
Your wish,
Step closer,
A Corvidae invasion,
Open your beak —
A Passerine feast.
Starving like children,
Are little chicks
Chirping and chirping
Attention-deprived —
Because your focus is the-one-of-a-kind-Ladybug.
Far, far away she escapes
Hoping the crow doesn't expose her,
And that the Entomologist's white hand doesn't choose her.
A hard-to-pick-out spot —
Go and seek her.
The Tiny black dots
Are no longer dark,
But camouflage,
Matching the leaves —
You'll never catch her.