The OWLS Results please forgive the mysterious question marks

Harry and Sirius

are in the library of #12.

�Hiya pup,� the

the older man says as he grabs the other in a tight hug.

�Sirius how is it


�This is nothing

more than a dream Harry. A little

surprise visit for your birthday.�

The two separate

and sit down opposite each other.

The old dog�s

grinning as he looks at his godson.

�Harry, I�m very proudly of you.

Voldemort gave you a spell that would have and has completely corrupted

many a lesser man.� Sirius� expression

grows serious, �Honestly, everyone was scared when you first got that spell;

even though Lily was sure you�d never use it for evil. You�ve been given the chance at what is most

likely the single most common fantasy among straight males in existence and yet

you�ve stuck to your guns; James and Lily both wanted me to tell you that

they�re insanely proud of you. Harry you

know how my niece felt about you right?�

�I don�t believe

that she actually loved me, but I believed her about wanting to do whatever it

took to protect the innocent.�

With a grim nod,

Sirius says �You�'ve got the right of it.

She willingly fell on her sword,� Sirius grins for a moment,

�she fell on your sword,� his face once more becomes grim, �in order

to give you a better chance at defeating Voldemort; I know I don�t have to say

this Harry but treat her right.�

Harry nods, �I�d

never do anything to hurt her Sirius.�

�I know, Harry,

but I had to say something as her uncle.�

Sirius gives Harry a rather lecherous grin, �So, I see you�'ve been

enjoying yourself with my cousins. Cissy

is a real spitfire when you get her going and Bella�s always been willing to go

along with whatever scheme the person she�s attached herself to comes up with.�

Harry�s blushing

at Sirius's� comments until he comes to the last one when he becomes deadly

serious, �You mean that her behavior is�t just part of the spell?�

�How closely have

you have been watching those two, whenever someone has to take car chargetsayssss Cissa; I love Bella, but she�s a follower. She joined the Death Nibblers because her

husband did. Now that is�t to say she

is�t competitive or ambitious, she was a Slytherin after all, but she follows

the lead of whoever she�s attached to.

When she was a Death Nibbler, she tried to be the best psychopath she

could be. Now that she's a sex slave,

she�s doing the best she can to be the best sex slave she can be. Submissive to you,

willing to do anything to please you, all the stereotypical things that a man

wants in a shag toy.�

Harry�s jaw has

dropped open at Sirius's� words. �Ok, I

don�t think I can stand much more of this, my head�s spinning as is.�

Sirius chuckles,

�I understand Harry it's a lot of information to soak up. Just remember, those two are of my blood and

when they set their minds to something, you don�t have much of a choice in the


Harry gives his

godfather a rather strange look before deciding to drop the matter.

�Well, Harry, I

doubt I need to give you the course on the facts of life. I also want to tell you how grateful I am to

you for what you did for Remus. He needs

a break, he�s hiding it very well, but he isn't�t taking my loss very

easily. If you could come up with

something to keep him busy, I�d appreciate it.�

Harry nods his

head, �I think I have a perfect solution; one that should keep Remus busy while

allowing Hermione and me to sleep better.�

Sirius looks at

Harry for a second, �I think I see what you're planning, and yes, it should

work quite nicely.� Sirius gets a

strange look on his face before he breaks out in a grin, �Well, it would appear

my niece has decided its time for her master to wake up, so before you go, I

have one last request. I know you and

Snape has decided to play nice, there�s still one thing I want you to do for


Harry groans but

agrees to Sirius's� request before the library starts to fade out. Harry slowly comes to as he feels something

warm and wet engulf his dick.

Harry slowly opens

his eyes and looks down to see Tonks pink hair bobbing up and down on his cock

as her tongue swirls around him. Harry

balls his hands up in the sheets as he feels the pressure building up. With a deep, primal groan, Harry shoots his

seed into Tonks's waiting mouth.

Tonks keeps her

lips sealed around her master's� cock until the last delicious drop is in her

mouth. She carefully releases him

without spilling a drop before she crawls over to her aunt Cissa and locks lips

with the blonde. The two split the

reward from their master while Bella crawls up onto Harry's�slap.

She grips the base

of Harry�s still hard rod and aims it at her soaking cunt. With a swift drop of her hips, she completely

engulfs him. She slowly rises until

only the head is still in her. As she

lowers herself, Harry shoves his hips up to meet hers. The two set a hard and fast rhythm until

Harry reaches up and grabs a hold of Bella�s breast and works them through his

hands. With a loud moan, Bella climaxes, and the contractions take Harry with her over the precipice.

After they take a

moment to catch their breaths Harry says, �You know,

these morning workouts are starting to get the best of me. I�m still up for another go-round, so whom

shall it be?�

The three women

exchange glances before Cissa crawls over to Harry, �Master may I remove my

butt plug?�

Harry looks at her

for a moment, �To what ends?�

Cissa blushes as

Harry sits up and scoots back to lean against the headboard and waits for a


Finally, the

blonde says, �Master, I know the pleasure you brought my sister so I would like

to ask you to sodomize me.�

Harry looks at the

blonde for a moment before scanning the rest of his entourage before he nods

his head, �You may remove the butt plug.�

Cissa reaches

behind her and has a very relaxed look on her face as she pulls the object from

her bum.

Harry climbs off

the bed and waits for Cissa, who climbs off the bed, �What are your orders, my


�Lean over the bed


Cissa turns around

and lays down face first on the bed, leaving her arse hanging off the bed.

Harry steps to

behind Cissa, unaware of the intense scrutiny he�s under.

Bella sits down on

the bed and spreads her legs to play with herself while she watches her sister

getting buggered.

Tonks, seeing the

opportunity to taste more of her master's sperm climbs onto the bed and starts

to lick the cum out of her aunts pussy, giving the

older woman no small amount of pleasure in the interim.

Harry reaches down

and spreads Cissa's asscheeks with one hand.

Using his other hand, Harry positions his cock at Cissa asshole and

gently slides in, surprised as to how loose she is.

Please master;

you can go much faster with me than you could with my sister since I've been

loosened up by the butt plug.

Nodding his head,

Harry starts to pick up his pace as he drives himself into the willing woman

beneath him.

Harry grunts as

his hips come to rest against Cissa's ass.

Please master, go as hard and as fast as you like.

Taking the blonde

at her word, Harry pulls out until only the crown is still buried in her and

shoves his way back in as hard as he can.

Cissa purrs at the

rough treatment as she spots the butt plug laying on

the bed. The horny woman reaches for it

and brings it to her lips. Pretending it

is another cock, Cissa begins to give the plug a blow job.

Harry meanwhile is

pounding away at Cissa's ass slightly disappointed at how loose she truly

is. He leans down and whispers, Tighten

up now.

Cissa hears her

master's command and does her best to tighten her backdoor, hoping that it'll

be enough to please her master.

Hermione's head is

spinning as she watches her best friend sodomize Mrs. Malfoy, at her own

request, while Tonks is eating Bella's pussy.

Without conscious thought, her hand makes its way down to her cunt and

her fingers slip in with practiced ease.

Harry can feel

Cissa's ass clamp down on him as he continues to pound away. He reaches a hand down and under Cissa where

he seeks out her clit. He starts to rub

it a little rough in time with his movements.

Cissa can feel her

release building up as her master shags her arse as hard as he can. When she feels the hand start to massage her

clit, she knows she's right on the edge so she takes the plug as deep into her

throat as she can just before her climax.

Harry can hear the

muffled scream of pleasure as Cissa's ass contracts wildly around his

cock. With another deep grunt, Harry

shoots his load into Cissa's eager bowels.

The mental

the backlash from the two coming is enough to push both Bella and Tonks over the

edge, each shrieking in pleasure.

The overwhelming

the smell of sex, combined with the visual and auditory stimulation allows Hermione

to follow the others over the edge into orgasm.

Harry pulls out,

exhausted, and Cissa instantly reaches around and replaces the butt plug. He looks at the other ladies in the room, not

missing where Hermione's hand is, Ok ladies, let's

get started with the day.


lethargically, all of the rooms occupants get dressed and head down to the

kitchen as a group.

They enter the

kitchen to find Molly and Dobby arguing as they make breakfast for the crowd

while Luna is sitting on Ron's lap and Ginny is sharing space with

Neville. The two couple are even feeding their partner as the group looks on.

Harry clears his

throat, causing all four teens to jump slightly and the group seats itself

around the table.

Molly and Dobby

glare at each other for several seconds before nodding their head. Dobby snaps his fingers and breakfast is laid

out for the newcomers.

The ravenous group of lovers sets upon the food with gusto as the others look

on; even Ron is amazed at the amount of food the group consumes.

Finally, Harry

pushes his plate away, So folks what's on the agenda for today?

At that moment,

Arthur and McGonagall walk into the kitchen, Well Harry my lad, we were

thinking of doing some shopping.�

McGonagall reaches

into her robes and pulls out six letters and hands them to the appropriate


�Mr. Potter, Ms.

Granger, as well as everyone else, I have been assured by Albus, that all test

scores are accurate and legitimate.�

Harry opens his

letter and quickly begins to read.

Mr. Potter

Congratulations on the completion of

your Ordinary Wizarding Levels. Despite

much pressure from the Minister of Magic, all reported scores are accurate.

The format is Subject:


Transfiguration: EE/O/O

Defense Against

the Dark Arts: O/O*/N*EE

Charms: EE/O/O

Divination: A/A/A

Astronomy: A/A**/A

Care of Magical Creatures: A/EE/EE

Potions: EE/O/O

Total: 6 O.W.L.S achieved

Notes: *Subject exceeded tested

curriculum to such a degree that the results were compared to N.E.W.T.

achievements for purposes of Overall score.


to Ministry actions during the practical exam, unless a student

scored above Average on the practical exam, the score default average , congratulations on your

test results Mr. Potter, may you find success in whatever field you choose.


Griselda Marchbanks

Harry looks at the

others in shock while Hermione squeals with glee. She looks over at Harry, So, how'd you do?

Harry just hands

his results over and waits for it. He's not

disappointed in the least.



Albus and Snape

enter the kitchen withdrawn wands at the commotion the bushy-haired which is

causing. Please settle down Ms.

Granger, the aging headmaster says.

Hermione takes several

deep breaths before Albus continues, I assume you have reviewed your test

scores. We shall need to discuss the

classes you all wish to take and the acquisition of your school supplies.

Harry nods his

head, I agree we will need to carefully consider the classes we take, but

Albus, I'm going to the Alley this year.

The twinkle in

Dumbledore's eyes lessen at the resiliency of the young man stone, Might I

ask why Harry? You know that will be a

perfect opportunity for Tom to attack.

Harry's grin is

feral as he says, I know sir, but that means we can anticipate the

attack and have forces in the area to *deal* with whatever forces Tommy boy

chooses to send.

All of the adults

in the room, except for the Blacks, shudder at the look on Harry's face.

Before any plans

can be made, however, we do need to set up our class lists.?

Albus relaxes for

the moment, hoping the bloodlust just seen has passed.

The group arrays

itself around the table while they discuss which classes to take. Ginny and Luna decide to sit in on the

planning session, knowing they'll have to do this next year as well.

During the discussion, the teens briefly turn to the topic of the new DADA

teacher. Harry says, �Hey Albus, have you found a new professor yet?�

The aging mage

looks at the young man questioningly for a moment, �Not as yet Harry. Do you have a suggestion?�

Harry looks at

Snape for several seconds, �How much easier would it be to fill the Potions


Albus stares at

Harry intently for a minute, �A great deal.

Many seem to think the Defense position is cursed.�

�What do you say, professor, you feel like risking life and limb?�

Snape looks at

Harry for several seconds in disbelief, �Mr. Potter, you and I have only

recently begun to make amends; I�m surprised that you would trust me as a steward

of your best and favorite class.�

Harry�s grin turns

feral once more, �My motives are�t as benign as they may appear on the surface

sir. If this is an act to gain my trust,

or if you start to backslide into your old patterns of behavior, the only class

I can get away with putting you in line is DADA.�

Snape actually

smiles at that, �Mr. Potter, you think more like a Slytherin every day and I

approve. If, as you say I do start to

backslide, I would appreciate it if you would let me know.�

�Happily sir, and

in regards to Tom, you can tell him that the doting old fool has demanded you

play nice and is monitoring the classes closely to make sure you don�t use the

opportunity to attack me.�

Snape and

Dumbledore exchange looks before they nod to each other. Albus says �You seem to have thought this

out rather thoroughly Harry. I�'ve always

been hesitant to give Professor Snape the Defense position because of his

animosity towards you and how critical it would be to your future. If however, you feel that he would make an

acceptable professor, then I shall acquiesce to your wishes.�

�Thank you, sir,�

Harry says as he returns to considering his class choices. �I�m not taking Divinations for another year,

I can find a better way to spend my time, even it �s

in the library reading.�

Hermione looks at

him for a moment, �Harry, I�m sure Professors Vector and Sinistra would take

you in their classes if you asked them to.

You�d have to work extra hard, but I�m sure you could do it.�

Cissa speaks up,

�Master, I�m well versed in both Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. I could easily tutor you in both subjects.�

Hermione looks

excited at the prospect of a live-in tutor while Harry looks over at Albus,

�Your opinion sir?�

�I agree with you

and with Ms. Granger�s assessment. Both

professors have expressed a desire to have you in their class. If you asked, I�m sure both of them would

gladly take you into their class.�

�Thank you, sir;

Cissa,� Harry says but notices Cissa is already writing the requested

letter. �Thank you, dear.�

Cissa blushes as

she finishes the letter for Harry to sign which he does after perusing it


Cissa files the

letter away with the other three that need to be posted today after Harry's hands

it back to her.

Harry reaches into

the envelope and pulls out the other form.

He fills out his class selection, DADA, Potions, Charm, Transfiguration,

Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, before he hands it to Albus.

Hermione fills out

her schedule with the same classes, but before handing it over to Albus says,

�No CoMC?�

Harry says,

�Hagrid is a dear friend, but I need to focus on the classes I�'ll need to

finally kick old snake lips in the teeth.�

Hermione sadly

nods her head as she hands the paper to the Headmaster.

Ron hands Albus

his form, the same as the other two except he decides to keep Astronomy

and Divination; and Neville�s form is a copy of Ron�s.

Albus contemplates

the forms for a moment before he reaches into his robes and pulls out 4 pieces

of parchment that he hands to Cissa, �Those would be the supply lists for the

coming year. If you are willing to wait

for an hour or so, I can have a full escort in place for the trip. I shall ask Arthur to accompany you if you do

not mind Harry.�

Harry smiles at

the prospect of seeing the elder Weasley.

�That would be acceptable sir.�

�Very good then,

if you�'ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to get done.�

Albus Disapparates

but before Snape can do the same, Harry says, �One-moment Professor Snape.�

Snape looks at Harry,

�Yes, Mr. Potter.�

Harry stands up

and walks over to the older man, �Well sir, I had a rather strange dream last

night about Sirius. We had a most

enlightening conversation, but he did have one small request for me. Now, I don�t know if this was a ghostly

visitation, a vision, or something else completely, but I did promise him I�d

do something for him. He said it was a

matter of family honor.�

�Ah, I think I

know what you're referring to, and you're forgiven.�

�Thank you, sir,�

Harry reaches out and grips Snape�s chin lightly. He positions Snape�s face at the proper angle

before he draws back his right arm and punches Snape right in the beak.

The man staggers

back for a moment and his face is bloody when he looks at Harry, �You know

Potter, your father was always swearing he would punch me in the nose, I guess

he finally did.�

Harry laughs as

the new Defense instructor pops out.

The group gets

ready, with Bella once more donning a cloak, to leave as soon as the Headmaster

gives the ok.

Just over an hour

later, Arthur walks into the kitchen, �Hello group.�

There�s a mixture

of greeting as the balding man sits down.

�Alright people, what needs to get done today?�

Harry sits across

from him, �Well, we need to hit Flourish and Blott�s in addition to the Apothecary

shop. I also want us to be seen. I may hate the attention, but people have to

see that they don�t need to be afraid.�

Arthur nods his

head, obviously not happy about the situation, but realizing the necessity of

it. �Alright Harry, is there anything


�I do need to post

several owls, but that should be it.

Do you want me to

take care of that for you?

Harry thinks for a

second before he sadly replies, Thank you sir, but no. I know you'd only do what you thought was

right, but I don't want these to go through Dumbledore


Arthur looks at Harry with a small grin on his

face. Don't worry son, I don't blame

you for being a little paranoid. If you

don't want me to post the owls, then I'll leave it to you, but if you wish,

I'll swear right here and now to post them without giving them to the

Headmaster first.

Harry looks at the

man intently for several seconds, before he holds his hand out to Cissa, You

can forswear the oath, sir, I believe you.

Arthur takes the

letters reverently, I'll be back in twenty minutes, please be ready to go by

then, the man says before he Disapparates.

The group mulls

around until Arthur returns fifteen minutes later, Ok people, everything in

place, let's get going. He pulls out a long length of rope from his

robe and has the teens grab a hold of it.

The teens feel the

jerk behind the navel and the adult's Disapparate.

The groups arrive

at the Leaky Cauldron at the same time to find it almost deserted.

The group quickly

beings the shopping, and for the first time in memory, Hermione does�t have to

be dragged out of Flourish and Blott�s.

The shopping goes

quickly and the entire group decides to take a break at Florean


Tonks is giving

serious thought to climbing under the covered table that everyone�s

sitting at when they hear a set of


The group sees the

a large group of Death Eaters that suddenly appears in the Alley.

No one hesitates

in going for their wands as they stand up.

Before the Death Eaters can even bring their wands up, Harry and Arthur

both have their wands in line and fire off stunners at the same time. The follow-up barrage from the small group of

Light Siders, is short, brutal, and vicious.

Despite having the

element of surprise on their side, the Death Eaters had�t even managed to fire

off a single spell.

Moments after the

dust starts to settle, another group Apparates in, which is a very bad mistake

as they find themselves stunned.

Arthur groans as

he recognizes the second group as a contingent of Aurors.

�Oh hell, I�d

better go wake them up.�

Harry says, �One

moment sir. Bella, Tonks, make sure

those Death Eaters aren�t going anywhere.

Cissa, please go wake up the Aurors.�

The Aurors stand

up one by one as they're woken up.

The lead Auror

walks over to Arthur and holds out his hand, �Hey Arthur, I see you haven�t

lost your edge yet.� He looks over to

Harry, �Very good response Mr. Potter, worthy of any Auror there is. You can also tell your cloaked companion not

to worry; were well in the loop.�

Harry relaxes slightly

as the team collects the teen�s statements.

Once they�are cleared to leave, the group makes its way back to #12.

Harry looks at his

friends, �I hate to end this, but I think I need to be heading back to Privet


The adults nod,

knowing that the wards need to be further strengthened.

Tonks once more

makes a Portkey and moments later, Harry and his entourage land in his

room. �Tonks, beginning tomorrow, I�m

learning how to Apparate.�