A/N: Hey guys! There is a bit of a bully scene in this chapter, if you're sensitive to stuff like that, I ask that u read until the point that you see '***'. When the scene is over I'll put it again so you can continue. Bye beauties!

Kelly looked down at the piece of paper in her hand. She had read it over and over again. The boyish writing was staring back at her in all it's cursive glory. The message was written neatly on the paper and the black ink stood out boldly over the white paper.

'I'm sorry'. It simply read.

Kelly couldn't believe it. She never thought he'd apologize. 'Bad boys don't apologise' she had always thought. Guess he broke that stereotype.

She smiled a bit and put the paper in her bag waiting for the teacher to begin the day's lesson.

"Why are you smiling bitch?" A voice said behind her. She recognized it as Jacqueline's.

"What do you want Jacqueline?" She sighed.

"I'm just curious y'know." She said, taking a seat beside her.

"Don't sit here."

"Why? My presence overshadows yours?" She said flipping her hair.

"Do whatever you want. I don't really care." Kelly waved a hand at her and turned to face the wall, ending the conversation.

"Mr. Roland." Jacqueline screeched.

"Yes, Miss Royal?"

"Kelly is taking a nap in your class."

"Miss Henderson I'd like you attentive in my class." He said narrowing his eyes at her.

"Okay sir." She mumbled giving Jacqueline who wore a content smirk a glare.

"Why are you friends with the Storms?" Jacqueline asked after a minute of silence.

Kelly sighed. "How is it your problem?"

"I want you to stay away from them."


"I'm warning you. Stay away."

"And if I don't?"

"You wouldn't like what I'll do to you."

"Oh really? What will you do?" Kelly raised her brows.

"Quiet you two! Miss Henderson and Miss Royal here are your detention slips." The teacher yelled cutting off their conversation.

"Mr. Roland she was the one disturbing me." Jacqueline said with an innocent face and after analyzing her face he told her to return to her seat and handed the slip to Kelly.

"She's lying." Kelly said but the teacher just rolled his eyes and sent her out.

"Screw you Jacqueline." She muttered under her breath and walked out of the class angrily but not before catching Jacqueline's smirk.

The hall was quiet as Kelly walked through it trying to find the detention room. Her mind wandered over to Jacqueline and how the teacher spared her. It was totally unfair but that was what happened when you're the child of a rich and important person to the school.

She huffed and walked on, glancing into classes, some of them were empty and she contemplated sitting in one till the period was over but thought against it.

Glancing into another one of the empty classes, she immediately turned away. Not being able to help herself she peered in again. The scene before her made her stomach churn, bile was rising up her throat and she felt like emptying the contents of her stomach right there.

Turning away quickly, she walked away and continued trying to find the detention room. But the image of Lloyd and Paris sucking faces off continued playing in her head.

Finally finding the room, she pushed the door open and walked in handing the slip to the teacher who handed her a booklet in return.

He glared at her. "You be good, imma take a nap".

"Wow, okay." She mumbled lowering herself down to a seat. Pushing the image out of her head, she began working on the booklet that the now snoring teacher had given her.


"Kelly!" Liam smiled leaning against her locker. It was lunch and she was getting ready to go to the library.

"Hey Bluey."

"The guys said to tell you to come to the cafeteria".

"The cafeteria? Nah, I'm fine."

"C'mon please." Their conversation had already initiated hushed whispers in the hallway. She sighed, they really don't mind their business.

"Alright. Let's go!". He said grabbing her hands and pulling her away.

"I didn't even say yes!" She exclaimed.

"You said it now."

"Ugh! You're so annoying."

"Yes and I'm hot. Are we still stating the obvious?"

"Ugh, cocky idiot."

"Hey!" Ian smiled as they approached the table.

"It's good to know my presence brings you so much joy." Liam said.

"Oh please, the smile was directed at Kelly." Ian rolled his eyes.

The table was for the populars, Kelly noticed. The table consisted of the cheerleaders, the jocks and the boys. Speaking of cheerleaders, Jacqueline was giving her a death glare as she settled in the seat between Lloyd and Liam.

"So guys, this is Kelly". Liam said catching the attention of the others around the table. They merely glanced at her before going back to their conversations. Completely ignoring her.

Liam huffed and picked a fry out of Lloyd's tray when he wasn't looking, then picked another and another and another and another until he got caught.

"Stop eating my fries." Lloyd said, holding his wrist.

"Stop talking to girls." Liam retorted.

"I can do whatever I like."

"And so can I." Liam said picking another fry.

Lloyd huffed. "Not when it's owned by someone else."

"She's owned by almost all the boys in this school." Liam retorted and Kelly couldn't help the soft laughter she let out which caught the attention of the boys, Jacqueline and some of the jocks.

"What?" She asked confused.

"You sound like a choking raccoon." Jacqueline said and her face flushed.

"That's a lie. It's one of the most beautiful laughter I've heard". Ian smiled and she turned red but gave him a small smile nonetheless.

She caught Lloyd's eye, he was looking at her intently. His stormy eyes calculating, the grey eyes looked dark and she fidgeted under his gaze. She looked away when she couldn't handle it anymore, his look was piercing and it felt like he was looking through her. Thankfully, Paris nudged him and he looked away.

"Kelly can I talk to you for a second?". Jacqueline said smiling sweetly standing up from her seat.

Kelly looked at her suspiciously. "Okay."

They walked out of the cafeteria and into an empty classroom.

"Yes? You wanted to see me."Kelly said crossing her hands over her chest.

Jacqueline's reply was a slap.

Kelly held her cheek that was surely coloured. "What the hell?"

"I warned you". Jacqueline shrugged. "You're making me do this".

"I still don't understand how it's your problem". Kelly replied, her anger kindled.

"Kelly..Kelly.." Jacqueline daunted. "Don't get angry now, It's really easy, just stay away from them and go make friends with some loner or something".

"I really don't know how my being friends with them affects you. Are you Jealous, Jacqueline?"

"Jealous?" She scoffed. "Your presence is irritating, don't you get?"

"You're jealous." That earned her another slap.


Jacqueline raised her hands once more but Kelly held onto it and twisted it.

"You bitch!". She hit the heel of her shoe on Kelly's kneecap, dragging her down. Not one second after regaining her breath, she placed her heel on Kelly's stomach, hitting her multiple times until she began coughing hard. She grabbed her hand and helped her up only to push her back to the ground and continue hitting her.

"This". Hit. "Is". Hit. "Your". Hit. "Last". Hit. "Warning". And with a final hit she walked out of the room.

At that point, Kelly was coughing up blood.

"That witch."


Using the sleeve of her shirt to wipe the blood off her mouth, she ran to the bathroom crying.

"I hate this place". She sobbed. "I hate this school". "I hate Jacqueline."

"Warning? She called this warning? She could have injured me seriously."

After throwing herself a mini pity party, she cleaned up and walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened.

Unknown to her that that was the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

