Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Izuku's POV

It's a very long 2 months. Even though my weekly routine didn't change at all just waiting in anticipation for this moment has made it very long. I finally got it. The results from the exams are in. I stared at the letter. "I want to open it but I don't want to open it...what if I failed. What if I got the worse score out of all the student. What if nothing I wrote down was right. What if they don't like orphans? What if they don't like my hair color cause it's green???? No I can't think like that. I'm sure I passed". I mumbled to myself as my anxiety began to take hold. I hope mom is here soon cause I want her to open it and play the results cause I can't move or do anything with it. I thought.

I heard the door open and close a moment later. "Hey mom. Oh hi uncle Mic, uncle easer. How are you two doing?" I asked with a huge smile. "We are good" Easer said. "Whatcha doing little listener?" Mic asked. I pointed to the letter. "Oh you got your?! Did you open and watch it yet?!" Mom yelled excitedly. I shook my head.

"Well what are you waiting for play it already" Easer told me in a bored tone. Again I just nodded. I went over and played it. Suddenly AllMight appeared on screen. "CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE PASSED THE SUPPORT CLASS EXAMS YOU WILL BE PLACED IN CLASS 1-H! WELCOME TO THE START OF YOUR SUPPORT LIFE" the overly buff man shouted on the screen. My eyes widen. My childhood hero will be teaching at UA this year? I can believe it! I heard Easer tch. "CONGRATULATIONS IZUKU" all three shouted at me as they popped poppers full of streamers. "I can't wait to be your teacher" Mic told me proudly. "Ya know some days I'm surprised they let the three of you be teachers" I chuckled out.

"That's hurtful" mom retorted. "He isn't wrong though" Easer defended. "Well we should get ready. Isn't Endeavor's party for Shoto's acception tonight?" Easer said with an unapproving look. Oh yeah Todoroki told me his father was going to do that. I feel really bad for him. His dad puts him on a pedestal for no reason. Welp I need to go to have a bit of….fun I grinned manically.

As I was getting ready mom knocked on my door. "Yes?" "No starting trouble there do you understand me?" "Aw come on he deserves it" "No if I hear you started something I'll take away your blowtorch" I went wide eyed as my sweat dropped. "Anything but that mom" I heard her walk away. I wore a button down shirt and some nice pants with my red shoes and goggles.

Time skip brought you by Tired Earserhead

We finally made it there. There was quite a few heroes here. I guess that what happens when the number 2 pro-hero throws a party. "Alright mom I'm going to go look for Todoroki and Iida. See you later love you" I told her before walking away. After sometime there I noticed Todoroki giving the cake a blank stare. I rushed over dodging most of the people and accidentally bumping into others. "Todoroki! How is it going?" I asked him. I saw him jump a bit. "Oh Kayama. I'm doing well just wish Endeavor wouldn't show me off like this." He said with a bit of a sad look.

"Hmmm you know we could 'cool' him off a bit" I used air quotes at cool forgetting mom's threat earlier. I saw him smirk. "What do you have planned this time?" "Oh a water balloon launcher we can make out of some plates and spoons" "Let's go get started shall we?"

As I went around and gathered the nessary materials. It was easy to avoid most of the weird looks given by the pro heroes. Until I heard. "Izuku what are you doing?" I turned around and faced probably the scariest pro hero of them all...Easerhead.

"Uhhh you know. Going around eating some food and what not" I said as I scratched the back of my head. I began to turn around to leave when he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I approve of the thing your trying to do. Don't worry I won't tell" he told as he gave a thumbs up.

I looked at him as if he had said the most inspirational thing ever. With tears in my eyes I told him "Yes sir. We will succeed" as I began to go and head to one of the back. Before I completely left I sent the signal for Todoroki to join me by 'accidentally' bumping into one of the pros and 'accidentally' falling to the floor. As I got up I apologized profusely. When I finally made it to the back room I waited a bit before the door opened quietly.

"Midoriya. Did you get what you needed?" "Yes now all we need to is get a little heat and fuse some parts together and we have a makeshift catapult. I have the balloons as well. We will fill them after the catapult is complete to help ease the process." I explained. It took 15-20 minutes before everything was completed with the catapult. Some parts were a little chared but it was still pretty usable.

I left to go upstairs to set up the perfect place to fire it. The upstairs balcony that overlooked the bottom floor. I left the task of filling a few balloons to Todoroki. Soon after he returned with 3 filled balloons. "Ok so you go back downstairs so you don't get into trouble. Right before he begins his toast I'll shoot the first balloon. And if I can get a second clear shot after I'll attempt it." I explained the last bit of my plan to him. Even though I know he wanted a shot. I couldn't risk him getting into trouble or hurt any worse than the scar on his face.

I sat up on the balcony for another 15 minutes when I saw mom. She looked like she was looking for me. I immediately ducked and tried to hide before she noticed me. Right as I did that though I heard the clanging of a fork on a glass. Endeavor was about to give his speech. It's now or never. Before he could begin speaking I fired the catapult at his face and as soon as the balloon came into contact with his flames it popped. It put out his flaming mustache and got his face a bit wet. I looked over. I saw the worst glare from mom I had ever gotten. I saw as she stomped towards the stairs and Endeavor yelled up "BOY I WILL MAKE YOU PAY. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GO NEAR TODOROKI AGAIN YOU HEAR ME"

I just held the catapult in my hands as I waited for mom to come up. 'Better to wait for her to get dragged home to get yelled at than to try and run away and hide. It would make things worse. At least I cheered Todoroki and Easer up a bit. I know neither really cares for him' I mumbled. Finally mom reached the place I was. "Car. Now. We are leaving. Not a word til we get home do you understand?" "Yes ma'am" I responded as politely as I could. I was escorted down the stairs and I looked over at Todoroki. He had a smile on his face. I looked around and saw Easer give me another thumbs up. We finally made it outside and got into the car. The car ride home was quiet to say the least. This will not be fun.

We had made it home and the moment we got in the living room she looked to me. "Sit." I listened and sat in the couch. "Why do you always have to do this to Endeavor? Why must you always agitate him? Do you know how this makes is look in all of their eyes? I get it. You and him don't like each other but could hold that little fued of yours off til you guys were in private? Now I'm the laughing stock Endeavor might get my position in my agency to go down and the other heroes won't want to invite us to any of their events or anything because of the stunts you keep pulling! Plus let's not forget about your future. I can handle a little bad rep but you can't! Do you know how many Pro's will look at your behavior and not want to go to you for their equipment?! You haven't start U.A. yet this could set you back farther than your peers!" She yelled at me. All I could do was look to the floor in shame. "I-I'm s-sorry mom. I was-sn't thinking. S-Sorry." I managed to get out. Anxiety filling my body as she seemed flustered and angry. 'I hope she doesn't regret adopting me.' "I don't regret adopting you but you need to learn some self control. As punishment I'm taking away your blow torch and you design notebook. No building anything for a month so you hear me?" "But...but….yes ma'am" I responded. I went to my room and grabbed my blow torch and note book and came back out. "Here you go." "Thank you now head to your room. Your grounded. I need to go and make a few calls and see if I can't send an apology basket to Endeavor's agency." She told me. I walked to my room ashamed of hurting mom's trust.