It's already dark no one will notice us.

"Shuei-gumi... is the head of this yakuza is named Ichijou Issei?" Takuya asked.

"Takuya-sama is it alright for you to say his whole name like that?" Tetsuya asked with a hint of concern.

"Hmm... It should be alright." Takuya said with a blank expression.

"Un, He is indeed the current head of the Shuei-gumi." Tetsuya nodded and thought 'Takuya-sama must be from the upper ranks of Yakuza community.' and his eyes were sparkling.

"Do you have something to say for me?" Takuya said.

"Nothing, I just want to greet you Takuya-sama."

"Oh... The I'll take my leave then, be sure to protect Saki-chan tommorow." Takuya waved his hand then walked away while Tetsuya was giving him a 90° bow.


Takuya was sitting inside the bus whing thinking about the new information he obtained.

'Nisekoi huh? is it the original or the parody ones? The difference between the two is the girls are hornier in the parody than the original... ha~ I should search some mangas or animes that does not exist here, there's a chance that those missing stories are real in this world.' He took his phone and browsed about the animes and mangas on the internet.

'Hmmm... some of the modern supernatural animes are missing and others are still here.'


Takuya arrived in front of their house and opened the door and placed his shoes on the rack.

[The title effect of Bane of the husbands deactivated.]

"I'm home!" Takuya said then he went to the living room.

"Oh Taku, your dinner is on the table and I think it's still hot so you should eat that quickly before it gets cold." Aika welcomed him.

"Where's mom?" Takuya asked.

"She should be in her room."Aika said then she went to the kitchen and took a baby bottle and prepared milk formula for her youngest son.

"Huh? aren't you going to breastfeed Yuusuke tonight." He asked then he sat on the chair beside the dining table.

"Un, because I'm going to breastfeed someone tonight." Aika teasingly said.

"Oh... and who is that someone?" Takuya said with blank expression on his face like he didn't care at all.

"His name is Takuya." She said then she winked at him.

"Lame." Takuya said then he opened the lid of the rice cooker to get some rice in it.

"Moo... you're such a killjoy Taku, I'm starting to miss the old shy and easy to tease Taku." She said like a spoiled child complaining to her parents.

"Well you can repeat your teasing again then I'll act like a shy guy, don't worry I'm good at this remember I'm a member of Drama club in middle school." Takuya said then he ate some side dishes.

"You!!" Aika said, she wants to yell but she suppressed her anger then went behind Takuya and she bites his right shoulder.

"That tickles Nee-chan." Takuya said then he turns his head to his right shoulder then she kissed her cheek while Aika is still biting his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'll suck them later before going to bed." Takuya said then he gave her cheek another peck.

Aika was caught off guard when he said that then she removes her mouth from biting his shoulder, she pouted while blushing.

"Hmmp, as if I would let you suck my breast tonight. I want to rest them for tonight, you meanie." Aika said.

"Eh? Acting like a tsundere. You're cute nee-chan." Takuya teased her.

"It's not what you think! I mean it when I said I want to rest them" She said while glaring at him.

"Oh? If your upper part is not available, what about the lower?" Takuya said then he grinned.

"Well..." Aika blushed then she continued to prepare the milk formula before she could finish her sentence she heard Takuya's teasing tone.


"Huh? You bastard!" She said then she slapped his shoulder.




Takuya arrived on Saori's place and he pressed the doorbell then the door opened and Saori welcomed him.

"Hello my beloved." Takuya said.

"Takuya-kun." She said softly then she hugged him, they entered inside the Kazuma greeted him.

"Did you already ate your dinner Takuya-kun? If not I can prepare something for you." Saori said.

"I already eaten my dinner but..." Takuya lowered his tone. "I can still eat you."

"Kazuma is still here." Saori said while blushing.

"Hey, Sao-chan let's have a date tonight."

"Huh? Are you sure?" She asked.

"Un go and dress your self, I'll tutor our son now." Takuya said then he went to Kazuma's room. When Saori heard his last words before leaving her heart flutters and she was so happy.

"Takuya-kun." She muttered then she warmly smiled while looking at his back.

Takuya tutored Kazuma for an hour then left his room then he saw Saori wearing a white dress that looks perfect to her and she didn't tie her hair in ponytail and just let her long hair loose.

"You look so beautiful Saori." Takuya admired her beauty while holding his chin.

"Thank you." She smiled at him then she asked. "Is Kazuma fallen asleep?"

"Un, he's too tired to play video games so he just slept after the tutoring." After he finished his sentence he offered his arm to her. "Shall we go?"

"Un." Saori nodded then placed her arm to his then went outside and rode a Taxi.

The two went to an amusement park, they were walking while holding hands.

"Sao-chan what do you want to ride first? If it's me we can do it on a love hotel." Takuya teased her.

"Takuya-kun there's people around us." Saori meekly said while blushing. "I want to try the Ferriswheel, to be honest I didn't ride one of those so..."

"Okay! let's go." Takuya pulled her and went to the ticket booth for the ferris wheel then they waited for about 3 minutes before they entered the cabin.

"Are you nervous?" Takuya noticed her being stiff.

"Y-yeah." She said.

"Haha I didn't know you can act cute too Sao-chan." Takuya teased her.

"Takuya-kun!" Saori pinched his waist.

"Oh-ouch!" Takuya faked the pain and it looks like real.

"I'm sorry Takuya-kun did I pinched too much?! Are you okay." Saori said while slightly panicking.

"Yes it hurts." Takuya said with teary eyes then Saori bent her head to see if it was bruised but Takuya suddenly kissed her forehead.

"Are you not nervous anymore?" Takuya asked then smiled at her.

"Huh?" Saori realized that he did that on purpose so that she can calm herself. "Un, Thank you Takuya-kun."

Takuya just gave her a smile. "Look the view up here is so beautiful."

"Yeah, it's beautiful." Saori said.

"Ne... Sao-chan do you like to do it here?"

"Huh? are you serious Takuya-kun?"

"What if someone will see us?"

"Don't worry It's already dark no one will notice us."