Taking a break

After Minerva left, Haru invited me to take a brake, we went on the cafeteria and almost all of my classmates are resting here, There are other students form other class. Cafeteria in this world doesn't look like Cafeteria at my old world at all, there are drawings are paintings at the ceiling, this is more than a chapel than a cafeteria. Haru drag me and make me sit on one of the table, she told me to wait for her, Third round is going to start soon I wonder who's my opponent?, I hope Haru can defeat his opponent. " Can I seat here?", It's Ains Noyela. Haru isn't back yet so I can ask her a question about Lulu, I asked her about Lulu if she's fine now, she's fine she said, I asked her too if they got in a fight, but apparently she didn't say anything, maybe I'll ask Lulu herself. " goodluck, I'll be watching you". She take her leave, yeah I'll do my best. Haru got back and carrying a large cup of coffee. " why coffee?", she said that this will make me awake during that match, and I looked bored fighting my opponents. Does it look like that? I'm actually at the end of my ropes here. I still drink the coffee, it's a waste if I didn't drink it. " class seven!, the Third round is about to start head back to the stadium!", That selania right?.