Planning a Date?

It's Friday already?, tommorow is the festival and now, I don't know how to make up with Haru, should I come over and give an apology?, I think she will understand if I explain things with her. " it's pretty early to come in school, I should apologize now", I knock on her door and she immediately opens it, " what?", She's hiding at the back of the door only her side of the face is on exposed, what is this cute creature?, " can I talk to you?", she let mo go inside. This is the first time I entered her room huh, it's so girly and there's a lot of things in here dorm, she's doing fine at her work for sure. " what do you want to talk about?", Apologize now! Marco!, " I'm sorry!, yesterday isn't what you think it is!" I explained further more, I'll tell all the details, I asked if she's mad at me, and then she looked at me and said, " I want to be the first girl you take one a date", she so close!, what a adorable creature!, " wanna go on a date after the examn?, I'm planning to go on a short vacation". when i said those words, her expression changed, " I'm I forgiven?", She hugged me, " I guess I have no choice". I'm glad it went well, " we should go to school now", after class I'll go to Momo's place and apologize to her.