Teach Me!

I'm making her worried about me too, I have to snap out of it!, I have a goal, defeat the class one and be a magic knight. ' stop worrying Marco, I'll help you ', and a third person pop up out of nowhere, it's Elise, just how long are been there?, Haru and I are used to this already, Elise popping out of nowhere. Wait now that I think of it, she's popping out of nowhere. ' Elise do you have some magic using or ability?', I asked her, she's looking at me, ' stealth ability', she just said that right?, I can't use any magic but, with that ability I can move around without being noticed. I asked her if she can teach me that ability but she declined, ' this ability is hard to master and it will put so much pressure on your body ', but, you can use it like nothing happened, but I pressure her to teach me the ability and then fortunately she agreed to teach me. Haru and I split, then Elise and I go to the kingdom's arena, but isn't it weird, Haru is always want to come when I'm with Elise but now, Haru is taking this serious. ' I'll finish this exam and then Marco and I will be alone in a vacation'. Haru is looking forward to something more important.