The Taste Of Fear

This is not the time for fear, I have to save Ria and get back at the cabin as soon as possible, I don't know anything about this creature, the name, the power, and how dangerous it is. I run towards the monster and not thinking of any plans to save her, I'll switch her place with a rock, ' swap ability!, switch!', the monster crawl towards me and in matter of seconds, I saw this big gray and fearsome monster. The switch is successful but, my feet won't move, what should I do?, are we dying here?, the monster's hand has some sharp nails that can surely decapitate my body, ' I'm not gonna let you die here '. I thrown a rock as farthest as possible and switch Ria to let her escape, I'm sorry Haru, my promise I won't keep our promise, the monster's hand is slowly heading towards me, I guess this is my last moment here, this is goodbye. ' wind magic!, tarnishing Tornado!', Music magic!, Echo!, Mud magic, Magma ball!', Those skills, it's Haru, Elise and Bella. The monster got hit by large scale magic, it screams towards us and retreated. ' Marco', Haru grab my shoulders from behind and pull it towards her direction, then a slap from Haru landed on my face.