Preparations For A Feast

Haru and my other classmates are not done preparing the boar because of the gigantic size of it, so I asked the guys to help the girls so we can finished the preparations and eat early they agreed to help the girls with no excuses, except for his majesty, Denki Renzo, well I don't expect anything from him and might as well throw him and make him a bait for those Diablo's. After some time, the boar successfully completed the preparations, Yashio sliced the boar to tiny piece but there's a lot left, so I asked Bella to frozen it for a while, but she asked me what is it for, that gave me a idea that there's no refrigerator in this world or even how to process the food so it will live longer, I explained to her and thankfully she understood, then she immediately carry my order. Bella is a big help in this kind of situations, so I'm confident that we will great on the final exam. After some waiting the boar is done! and thankfully Elise didn't help or this will be a disaster again. We have no supplies for cooking, so we cook it using charcoal and fire.