Diablo's Retreat

Elise and Yumiko are working together too, Yumiko is creating a spear made of steel and Elise is using her music magic to make the Steel spear vibrate at the point it can cut, Ultra sonic vibration cutter, in my previous world we use this to cut stones and if I must say, it a powerful combo and Taruko is the one who's throwing the steel spears, because of his beast magic, he can use a power far greater than human. All of them are working together to fight this monsters, and I'm not even doing anything to contribute, what should I do?, ' Marco just seat thigh and watch us, kill all of this ugly monsters ', Taruko said to me. How can I refuse when you are begging for it, ' I am not begging for it!, if you want, go outside and try to dance with those monsters, for all I care ', I know, I know, you really are a funny person. I thought this last night of the training camp will be all hardship, but I made myself worried about nothing, all of them, the class seven, we all have the same goal in this situation. ' The Diablo's are turning back!', I look around and see that the magic beast are running away from the wall. Did we won?, ' Marco!', Haru went flying towards me, ' we won!, it's all over now! '.