Magic That Hides Within

What am I thinking?!, I have to ask her how to get the power the books she posses, I asked her for the information, on how to get the power of the gods, she's hesitant to say something, second by second I'm thoughts are getting curious and curious, just say it!. ' I'll be your teacher ', are you serious?, ' yes i am, unfortunately I can't go back on my book form, if that's the case I'll transfer all the power in me and you will be the most powerful magic user in this world ', I fail really hard this time, but how can I turn you into book?, there must be a way to get those powers right? ' it's impossible, your magic and me are connected, your magic is so powerful it turned me to back Into my original form ', and that form of yours really is useless huh?, wait!, what did you say?, did I hear my magic?. ' Yes why?, I feel a powerful magic inside you but, it's sealed ', can you brake that seal?, she looked at me again to confirm and she asked me for a pin, I don't know what she's gonna do with pin but luckily I have pin on my pocket, I handed the pin to Union, ' thanks ', she stab her pinky and draw a magic circle on the back of my hand, she's closed her eyes.