Dissatisfied Morning

Dinner with the girls really is fun, but they didn't stayed for too long, Haru invited Union to stay with her and Union gladly accepted Haru's request, maybe that's for her own good, a girls problem can be solve by a girl, and most of all I feel tired, my belly is sore my feet hurts and my eyes feels like they're about to closed, but I need to clean up this mess, they leave immediately and didn't even offered a help, well I can't blame them. I washed the dishes and clean the table until I'm satisfied, after that I'm really worn out and lay myself down on my bed. When you are tired you bed feels different, it feels like I can sleep forever in his bed. ' master wake up!', I just closed my eyes!, ' you are sleeping for nine hours, you have something to do right?!, let's go now?!, what are you saying it's night time-. The room is filled up with light entering the window facing the sun, this is the first time I felt disappointed about a good day, I feel sleepy, I closed my eyes for a second and it's already morning?, who in the world has a magic like that?, ' no one!, cut some slacks and let's go!'.