Spirit That Seeks Ease

' There is a purpose for all that's happening to you right now, my dicision is not by choice but it's rather fate, I'm willing to help you and also to ease my guilt toward myself, I thought that if I sealed the book of Union, there will be safe and harmony towards the people of Larion, but I was wrong, I've made a terrible choice. The greed of the people and search for power lead them to despair and death '. If I'm in his position I'll be depressed for sure, but Lauren you are not responsible for all the deaths, the people who search for power and their greed put them to their death bed. I'm trying to convince him not to sulk about what he did, Lauren looked at me and smiled, ' thanks for that, I'll let you forget what happened here but, Union knows what she's gonna do when she saw the magic item your wearing, I'll be a form of an bracelet so you can be comfortable with me ', does that mean if you turn into a magic item, your spirit will be gone for good?, he walked towards me and grab both of my shoulders, ' I wanna have peace of mind Marco, this is also my choice and I wanna help you and your friends, don't worry about me, 45th holder, I wish that the creator will bless you, Goodbye', He pushed me and suddenly a pit showed up, now I'm falling down on unknown darkness. I looked above and Lauren is waving at me with a ease on Lauren's face.