Smell Of Pleasantness

Eyes are closed because of the sudden yawn, but I can hear the foot steps and a watering mouth scent coming from the kitchen, probably Union is cooking something?, With opened eyes, I looked down and fixed my tangled brown shirt. The delicious smell coming from the kitchen is pulling me towards it and my feet unconsciously started to stride towards the kitchen and the first thing I saw was Union. She's standing on wooden box to reach the clay stove that's supports the bronze pot and she's wearing a pink apron that really brings out her childish appeal, ' what are you cooking?', politely asked. ' mushroom soup ', walking towards her and looked at the steaming pot, the bronze pot is filled up with mushroom soup that looks really pleasant from my perspective. While she's stirring at the pot, the texture of the soup is quite thick and because of that It is really looked good and smell great at the same time. ' Don't called me childish again, I have more experience in this world that you ', she said with a straight face and serious tone, this is really unfair for me, I can't even keep a secret from you!, but what's up with the serious tone?, I asked.