My Only Lead To The Darkness

Union stood up and walked towards me, she grab both on my shoulder, tightly she Grasp. ' How many times did you have the same Dream?', She asked, her face is painted with worries. I don't really know, just one day it came to me, ' so that long huh?', What is it?, this is the first time I've saw Union worrying about me like that. She stood up and head back to the kitchen, ' Dinner is done, let's eat together ', Does she have an idea what dream it was? or does she know something about that weird dreams I always have?'. All I can think is question, The dragon level thing and this dream, but finally, I found someone who could say something about those dreams, it's Union herself. I stood up carefully to avoid waking Rista of her sleep, I walked towards the kitchen and sat down the wooden chair and place both of my elbows on top of the brown Wooden table. Union cooked Curry for dinner and it was delicious, that I ate 3 plates of rice even my body is trying to reject all of it. Union was silent the whole dinner, I asked her about the Dream but she's didn't say a single word to me, but for sure, Union knows something about that dream.