Modern World Item

I walked towards the stall where I heard the charismatic voice, the guy has a fine build, his arms are full of muscles and his chest that looks like a solid surface. The stall is made out of wood and nails there's no color what so ever, and there's only one sign on top of it, that say, " buy here!", looks like they didn't even have a second to decorate their stall. Even so, I looked at their items, There's different kinds of spice here like, cumin, black pepper and curry, I'm still searching for those Vanilla, this is the last stall and my last hope. ' May I help you?', A women wearing a sky blue scarf on her dark hair walked towards me and she's wearing glasses!?, This is the first time I've seen glasses on this world. ' Sir?', sorry, I didn't mean to stair!, it's just, what your wearing on your eyes, ' ah!, this!' She took of her glasses and show it to me, ' This helps me to see clearly ', Yeah those are differently glasses, but where did she got those? and so I asked. She put her glasses on and walked slightly towards me, ' it's from the king ', I don't want to dig up so I didn't asked any further, but from the king?, She nodded as her answer. This king really is interesting, football, games, stories, and even modern world items, just who are you?.