The Lost Magic

' Just hurry up and ask for Haru's help, I really want to taste that thing ', Union declared, Your wish is my command, your majesty. She's kinda demanding when she's sulking, those every girl does that?. I walked outside my room and head infront of Haru's room, I knocked three times on her wooden door and hear immediate foot steps striding towards the door, the door opened and... Haru?. She has a bed head and her face is about to hit the ground, are you ok?, I asked, ' to be honest I'm not, I'm pulling all nighter for the past two days, or three? ', your not even sure!. ' But first come inside I need to show you something ', Haru grab my hand and pulled me towards her dark and ghost-quiet room, she flip the switch and her room.. it's dirty, her shirts and bra are all over the wooden floor and her chair is filled up with books and food, ' what happened?', I asked, I'm quite worry about her, this is the first time I've seen Haru this tired. Haru grab a book on her table and flip the pages, ' look at this!', What is it?, " The lost magic ", what is this?, is it a novel?, ' no it's a true story '. A true story?, so it's more like a diary then, what is this book about?, ' This book is filled up with alchemy and different kinds of spells, that is at level of a dragon rank magic knight '.