Connection Talking

After some time talking to Elise, she mentioned that our exam will be held on a arena outside the kingdom, in The forest of mist, Elise said that the arena is boxing the forest and the arena is box shaped and has 3 kilometers space inside of it, from top to bottom and from each sides. The Giant arena has a lot of seats installed on each sides of the giant arena, it almost looks like a funnel, but box shaped. After talking to Elise, Taruko walked towards me and talk about something, he asked me what my training was like, I tell him the story about my training and for some reason, he was so interested that his tail is wagging from each sides, a beastman like him is really interesting. I asked Taruko about his life as a beastman, it's kinda personal to ask but he didn't hesitate to tell me the story, he said that his village is inside of a forest far away from this kingdom, he traveled here to finish something important, I asked him what could it be, but he didn't tell me, maybe it's kinda personal. At first i thought Taruko was this bad and delinquent type of guy, but when you understand him, he is a nice and encouraging guy.