You will be...

' I guess, you can say that ', She stared at me while her right eyebrow is raising, is she mad or something?, she walked towards me, close enough to hear the breath she took every second. What is Bella doing?, Why is she so close?, Bella pointed her finger at me and with eyes burning, ' I will definitely beat you one day!', Oh yeah, Bella did mention beating me one day, I thought she forgotten about that thing, ' and when that time comes, you will... ', What was that?, I Asked, I didn't hear what she's saying at the end, ' it's nothing!, you just, yeah right, I'm going to the tower to check students, I mean our opponents!, bye! ', She Stride towards the left tower close to the entrance gate, I wonder what will happen if she able to defeat me one day?, Will she be Happy if she did?, I'll cross the bridge when I'm there. I walked towards Rista and my classmates, they're still touching her, I put my hand up and with all my might a clap that shook the fortress within. They immediately looked at me, I didn't say a word, but they nodded and stood up, They spread the fortress to guard the rear, Our elf, Koro, Went to the right Tower slit to guard, Elise is sitting at the tallest building inside the fortress and she has a great eye view up there.