What is Justice?

'Gino, What really is Justice for you?, do you even understand what Justice is?, or are you making some changes to the real concept of Justice to get what you desire? ', I asked him. Gino looked at me and put the axe on his back and kneeled down with his left leg, ' I'm am Justice!!', Gino shouted. Is that so?, I really thought that your were a good guy when we met back at the training camp, but I was so Wrong about that!, you treat people like they were insects, you are ready to kill anyone who stands on your way and now you are saying that you are Justice?!, You are a hypocrite!. My vision suddenly went pitch black, and I feel like I'm floating on a vast space, ' Release your magic!, you've work for this for years and yet you sealed it!?' That malicious feeling, that voice, this is the dream!. What do you mean?, Magic?, Sealed?, ' Release! Release! Release!', He deep voice repeatedly said. Union did say that I have a sealed magic on my body, is that the thing you're saying?, ' Just say this words, and cast a deviating spell ', What words?. Suddenly my vision went back and Gino is talking about his power, I looked at my classmates and all of them are circling Taruko and trying to help his injured shoulder.