Burning Flower Squad

' Let's go, you have to meet the rest of the squad ', Captain Violet twisted the silver knob and pushed the door open; The Room was quite large, there's a giant wooden table on the center of the room and there's 4 large windows on the north wall. The orange sun set light is filling up the room with comfortable color, ' Sup captain!, who is this guy?', A guy sitting on a chair walk towards me and put his right arm on my shoulders. ' This will be our new member, He's Marco Higurashi, Magic Academy's Top Student ', Top student?!, Don't call me like that captain, it's kinda embarrassing!. ' I'm Elloy Lance Lopure, one of the senior members of the squad!', This guy is a senior member?. Then a Woman walk towards us and Twist Elloy's right ear, ' Don't ' sup ' the captain, if you are an senior then act like one!', I feel like she's the matured type of person, ' ouch!!, your going to rip my ear!!', Elloy is crying in pain, begging her to let go, ' I'm Cecilia Denfrogue, A senior member of the squad, nice to meet you Marco! '. Her Bright smile is luring me into the deep hole of happiness. I looked around and Elloy and Cecilia are the only one who's in this room, ' Where are the other members? ', I asked. ' We've just finished a hard mission earlier and they requested to go home and rest, don't worry you will meet them eventually '. For some reason I feel home in this place.