The Stress Of Having Problems

But something came up to me that make me stood up from my chair. " What is it Marco?", Mom asked, " Sorry I need to go back to my dorm! ", I hurried my way to the dorm and run as fast as possible, but The streets are busy because of the people who came to buy goods from the stalls, so it's hard for me slip myself out. " This is bad!, I hope I'm not late Haru!". So this is what's happening, If I can recall, Haru was the one who picked up the book that called the ' lost magic ', and when I saw her she's not on her usual condition, She said that she's been awake for 3 days, and it's not hard to imagine that she made a copy of that book, which it not great. I have to hurry my way!, What an idiot am I!, I didn't even realized it yesterday!. After some time running I was able to arrived at the front of the dorm building, I stride inside and run towards the cold ghost-quiet hallway. I arrived infront of her door and fastly opened the unlocked door but- " Why are you in my room?!", an unfamiliar girl who's lifting brown box is inside Haru's room, " Where is Haru?!", I asked her, " The class one girl?, She's on the class one dorm building", What?!.