Request Fulfilment

She's not going out?; well, I guess she can't help it. " Is there a way for me to speak with her personally?", I humbly asked. The maid with crimson hair looked at me in the eyes and move her head from left to right, " I'm sorry, but I have no power to fulfill that request ", She stated. What should I do?, maybe use my swap ability?, no, no, I just can't brake in the mansion, for sure I will be in prison for the rest of my beautiful life. On this situation there's only one option for me to make, " Ms. Maid, can you say that Marco Higurashi is here?, and please say that he wants to have a short talk ", I said. " You are a persistent one are you?, just like the little girl I know, Haha, I'll do my best to surely fulfill your request sir ". She said with a smile and cheery voice. The maid with crimson hair turn around and she head straight towards the door with crystal doorknob. " That little laugh of hers was majestic that I didn't even heard what she said after ", I said to myself. I just hope that Violet will come out from her room and have a talk with me, I just can't leave her like this.