The Most Powerful Magician

After some time of dragging, we've arrived at the front of the school, there's no students outside the front so we head straight towards the school's arena. " do you think that there's a chance that I will defeat the student council president?", she asked with a serious tone, but without hesitation at all, " Don't ask that question, you know how powerful you are and how much you Worth, you are the most powerful magician in this school, don't forget that!", I said with a smile on my face. Violet looked at me with a slight shock on her expression but she smiled afterwards, " Stop being so sweet, I might...", What did she said?, I didn't heard the last words she said. " Are you saying something?", I asked but she didn't answer my question and she just looked at me with a smirk. " You are not listening so that's your own fault ". She stated. After some short talk, we arrived at the school's arena and the arena is packed with students from different classes. " Are you nervous?", I asked Violet. " No, this is my time to shine more Marco, just look at me and I will beat that president with all my might ", Violet said with confidence on her tone. " You really are an amazing person huh?", I stated.