
What is the meaning of this?!. Yeah, I did thought that there's a chance that Marco will survive on that poison but, Why is he wide awake, and not to mention he has the smile on his face.

" Celestia?, you are quite pale, are you alright?". Marco questioned and he's looking at me naturally; like the first time we talked.

" Yeah I'm alright, what about you sir Marco?, do you feel alright?, is there something bothering you?". I naturally asked.

Marco pull himself up and he flex his right arm. " I'm doing awesome!, thanks for nursing me!".

Sir Marco is fully healed from the Dark Frog's Poison and I can clearly see that. His body is strong and has come back to its natural color. But what am sure of is- This Guy right here is a Demon Lord.

" Can I asked where's my clothes?" Marco asked. And I just realized that he's mascular top is completely naked.

" I will bring you a set of clothes later sir Marco, but first can I examine your body?". Just how did he made a full recovery from that poison; from what may calculations saying, there's only 4% of him able to survive, but what am I seeing now is completely out of my own calculations.