Crazy Yet Caring

" That is a easy question Marco-kun ". Grey said with a smile on his face.


" My great grandfather was a pig ". Grey stated with a smile on his face. Still!.

Wait, Wait, wait. So you are saying that your great grandfather was going to those brothels and bars. and after some time he grown broke and useless. is that what you said?!. But why are you smiling?, are you crazy?!.

" I don't have a powerful magic like my great grandfather, and because of that I don't have such a GoodLife like my great grandfather ". Grey stated.

Well, I can understand that you didn't have that much fun back in the days. In this world Magic is everything and if you don't have strong magic like that rest of your comrades or classmates. you are set to go from hellish highway.

" I feel kinda bad for those who have weak magic, life must be tough for them ". I stated with melancholy in my tone.

" I don't have a Powerful magic nor Fame back in the day but, I have my family and I will live my everyday for them, So again, Thanks for saving both of us Marco-kun. I owe you my life, I'm forever grateful for your help ". Grey bow his head again and I felt the Warmth from his voice.