Not Just Giving Up, But Dying

Hah, I just can't believe that this is the ending I get, Maybe I should just write my own novel and sell it throughout the world, that will make me a wealthy person for sure.

But unfortunately I don't have those skills so I just have to be a magic knight to this point onwards.

" Marco-kun, It's kinda late don't you think?, why don't you spend your night here at the house?, you are completely welcome!". Grey asked.

I looked around the room and I saw a dead rat right next to the right corner of the room.

" Hell no, You three are going with me!, there's no way that you will sleep in this house!". I bursted with anger.

" What do you mean this house is- ".

And suddenly a big piece of ceiling collapsed and hit the wooden table. and it managed to brake the tables support feet.

" His house is giving up on us ". Grey stated.

What do you mean by giving up? this house is dying ages ago for sure. just look at the walls you can plant a seed inside those cobblestone walls and it will grow for sure.

" This house is a no go, we should find you guys a new house for temporary stay ". I Stated.